Gr/En Language Version Hel.A.S., 6-th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Penteli 2003
Hel.A.S. Conference
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The Hellenic Astronomical Society (Hel.A.S.)
and the
Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics (IAA)
are organizing the
the 6th Hellenic Astronomical Conference
at the National Observatory of Athens
15-17 September 2003, Pendeli

Conference Topics
 Sun and Heliosphere
 Stars and Stellar Systems
 Extragalactic Astronomy
 High Energy Astrophysics
 Cosmology, Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics
 Galactic Dynamics and Chaotic Dynamical Systems
 Infrastructure of Astronomy in Greece
 History and Teaching of Astronomy

Hel.A.S. Invited Speakers
 Grosbol P. (ESO, Germany)
"What can we learn from near-infrared observations of spiral galaxies?"
 Kirk J. (Max-Planck-Institut Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany)
"Relativistic Flows and Particle Acceleration."
 Parker E. N. (Univ. of Chicago, USA)
"Magnetohydrodynamic discontinuities and the formation of X-ray coronae in astrophysics."
 Wagner S. (Landes-Sternwarte Heidelberg, Germany)
"Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei and Quasars via Multiwavelength Observations."

Scientific Committee
P. Laskarides (chairman)
S. Persides C. Goudis N. Kylafis
K. Tsinganos I. Daglis K. Kokkotas
A. Mastichiadis L. Vlahos N. Voglis
E. Plionis E. Antonopoulou M. Kontizas
D. Hatzidimitriou E. Theodosiou E. Danezis
M. Mathioudakis P. Patsis

Local Organizing Committee
C. Goudis (chairman)
E. Kontizas A. Dapergolas I. Georgantopoulos
N. Matsopoulos I. Bellas-Velidis P. Boumis
E. Xilouris
NOA/IAA homepage
Hel.A.S. homepage

Proceedings Published!
16.5 MByte PDF file

Conference Location
The Conference will take place on the Penteli Astronomical Station of the National Observatory of Athens,
Palaia Penteli,
Lofos Koufou,
I. Metaxa & Vas. Pavlou

Conference Fee
Ordinary and Associate Members of Hel.A.S.
registration fee: 30€
Junior Members of Hel.A.S.
registration fee: 15€
Nonmembers of Hel.A.S.
registration fee: 40€

Hotel Information
Click above for information on hotel arrangements for the Conference

More Information
For more information, please contact the
Secretary of IAA-NOA,
Ourania Koumentakou
Tel: 210-8109172
Fax: 210-8040453