The main purpose of the
8th International Conference of the
Hellenic Astronomical Society is to create an environment to disseminate the results of the current theoretical and observational studies in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Physics. Its aims are also extended to the fostering of the cooperation of astrophysicists from Greece or Greek Diaspora with their colleagues worldwide and to the creation of a source of inspiration for the younger generation.
The 8th Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society is devoted to the Anniversary of
50 Years of Space Exploration.
The invited plenary speakers are:
- Prof. Wolfgang Baumjohann, Space Res. Inst., Austrian Academy of Sciences, invited review on "The Earth's Magnetosphere: An Astrophysical Plasma Laboratory"
- Prof. Ofer Lahav, Head of Astrophysics Dept., UCL-London, invited review on "Surveys on Dark Energy: Challenges and Prospects"
- Priv.-Doz. Ewald Mueller, MPI, Germany, invited review on "Core Collapse Supernovae and their Gravitational Wave Signal"
- Prof. Tom Ray, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland, invited review on "Observations of star formation"
- Dr Jason Spyromilios, Head of the EELT project office at ESO, invited review on "ESO and the European Extremely Large Telescope"
- Dr. Thanasis Economou, Senior Scientist, Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space Research, Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago, invited talk on "50 years from Sputnik - 50 years of Space Exploration: Reminiscences of someone who was there almost from the very beginning"
- Dr. David J. McComas, Senior Executive Director, Space Science and Engineering Division, Southwest Research Institute, USA, invited talk on "Solar Wind, Heliosphere and Interstellar Medium: the upcoming Interstellar Boundary Exploration (IBEX) mission"
Conference Sessions
Sun, Planets & Interplanetary Medium
Our Galaxy: Stars, Planets and Interstellar Medium
Extragalactic Astrophysics
Theoretical Insights in Dynamical Astronomy, Relativity and Cosmology
Instrumentation & Methods in Space and Astronomical Observations
History and education in Astronomy
50 Years of Space Exploration