Title: Combined energetic particle measurements
onboard Galileo and Cassini in the vicinity of Jupiter during the period
between October 2000 and March 2000
Author(s): N. Krupp(1) Main
Session Speaker, A. Lagg(1), J.
Woch(1), S. Livi(2), S.M. Krimigis(2), D.J. Williams(2)
(1) Max-Planck-Institut
für Aeronomie, D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany (krupp@linmpi.mpg.de)
(2) The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD
20723-6099, USA (tom.krimigis@jhuapl.edu)
The rendezvous of the Galileo and Cassini spacecraft in December
2000 in the vicinity of Jupiter offers the opportunity to combine
measurements inside and outside the Jovian magnetosphere. We present
energetic particle measurements from instruments on both spacecraft
(Energetic Particles Detector EPD on Galileo and the Low Energy
Magnetospheric Measurement System LEMMS on Cassini). Both instruments
operate in the energy range from a few tens of keV to a few MeV and are
able to measure angular distributions of electrons and ions separately.
During the inbound pass of Cassini, Galileo is first outside the Jovian
magnetosphere moving inward through the dusk magnetosphere towards the
planet (October –December 2000). During Cassini’s outbound pass
(December 2000- March 2001) Galileo is deep in the inner magnetosphere
and moves outwards. This configuration offers a chance to study
energetic particle distributions in interplanetary space, including
Jovian upstream events, as well as distributions in the Jovian
magnetosheath, and inside the Jovian magnetosphere to find out if and
how processes in the solar wind influence the magnetospheric
configuration. |