Title: Large scale energetic particle layers in
the high latitude Jovian magnetosphere
Author(s): G.C. Anagnostopoulos, I. Karanikola, P.K. Marhavilas,
E.T. Sarris (Oral)
Contact: G. Anagnostopoulos, Demokritos University of Thrace, Greece ABSTRACT
This study presents an analysis of long lasting (~2-3 hours) energetic
(>~60 keV) ion and (>~40 keV) electron events observed by the
HISCALE instrumentation on board Ulysses in the high latitude Jovian
magnetosphere. The HISCALE data are consistent with: (1) the existence
of large scale layers of energetic ions and electrons in the high
latitude Jovian magnetosphere and (2) the quasi-periodic (~40 min)
emissions of energetic particles from the poles as the primary source of
these layers. The proposed concept of the high latitude magnetospheric
large scale energetic particle layers provide us with the possibility of
a new synthesis of a variety of Jovian observations.