Title: Energetic ions observed by ULYSSES in the Jovian
Author(s): G.C. Anagnostopoulos, I. Karanikola (Oral)
Contact: G. Anagnostopoulos, Demokritos University of Thrace, Greece
Ulysses encountered a quasi-parallel bow shock and a thinned fast moving
magnetosheath inbound, and spent long times in the dusk-side high
latitude magnetosheath outbound, where it crossed the bow shock three
times, under a quasi-perpendicular geometry. On the outbound pass,
Ulysses observed two different types of ion events in the sheath: (1) In
the inner magnetosheath, the ion events were characterized by
intensities comparable to and energy spectra harder than those in the
adjacent outer magnetosphere, and they were accompanied by the presence
of significant fluxes of high energy (~400 - ~2 MeV) ions and (~40 -
~300 keV) electrons. (2) In the outer magnetosheath, the ion events were
in general not accompanied by the presence of high energy ions and
electrons (or they were accompanied by low fluxes), their intensities
were lower and the energy spectra softer than those in the outer
magnetosphere. The ion anisotropies in the sheath were variable;
however, intensity gradient vectors looking in the general direction of
the magnetopause and an outward streaming toward the bow shock can be
checked in most of the time. A quasi-periodic ~10 h variation was
found in ion / electron intensities outbound. A quasi-periodic ~40 min
(also ~20 min, ~10 min) modulation in ion / electron intensities and
anisotropy data of magnetospheric origin was also evident on the inbound
and most of the time of the outbound Ulysses pass of the Jovian
magnetosheath. Inbound, higher anisotropy and significant quasi-periodic
modulation in ion data were observed in the outer sheath, before a
reversal from an anti-sunward to sunward plasma velocity, due to the
expansion of the magnetosphere (Phillips et al., 1993). A
counter-streaming of low and high energy ions was found between the
times of magnetopause crossings determined by the magnetic field and
plasma experiments, which is consistent with the existence of two
populations in the dayside
boundary layer, a magnetospheric and a solar component. Evidence of
electron and low energy (<~300 keV) ion acceleration and / or
trapping was found downstream from the quasi-perpendicular bow shock
outbound. No effects of a diffusive type acceleration were found near
the quasi-parallel bow
shock inbound, under a radial magnetic field. The whole set of data
analyzed strongly suggest that energy dependent leakage of energetic
particles from the high latitude magnetosphere in general controlled the
>~60 keV ion observations made by Ulysses in the Jovian