Title: Spatio-temporal analysis techniques
for detailed investigations of space storm dynamics
Author(s): D. Vassiliadis, I. A. Daglis, A. J. Klimas, and C. R. Clauer
We present several
spatio-temporal analysis techniques, which integrate mid-latitude ground
magnetogram data and are useful in identifying key features in the ring
current response. In this way we can quantify
a) the intensity and spatial extent of inner magnetosphere convection,
b) the intensity of the geomagnetic response to interplanetary pressure
c) the penetration of the substorm current wedge to lower latitudes and
d) the effect of particle injections on the ring current.
The first technique creates a
spatio-temporal storm "portrait" based on the axial component of
the ground magnetic field H(UT;LT) [Clauer and McPherron, 1974].
Displaying the field data in UT-LT coordinates allows comparison of the
activity in the inner magnetosphere. In addition to visual identification
of the above features, we introduce a second technique that uses principal
component analysis (PCA) of the storm portrait. PCA peaks correspond, in
order of decreasing eigenvalue, to symmetric ring current, asymmetric ring
current and substorm current wedge, and injections into the ring current,
typically during substorms. Identification of the major PCA peaks with
large-scale current systems is confirmed by correlation with and timing
relative to geomagnetic indices (Dst, AL, etc). The intensity and
direction of ring current injections is estimated by a bandpass filter
technique for individual magnetograms. Examples using the storms of June
4, 1991, and September 26, 1998, are given. In these cases the asymmetric
ring current can have a geomagnetic effect as strong as the azimuthally
symmetric part meaning the majority of plasma sheet particles convecting
deep into the inner magnetosphere are quickly (~2-3 hours) lost at the
dayside magnetopause. On the other hand, the estimate for particle
injections compared to slow convection reaches up to 30% in terms of the
average geomagnetic field amplitude. Thus, individual substorms can have a
significant influence on the storm-time ring current composition and
dynamics. |