Title: Acceleration of the Universe and Gravity
Author(s): L.V. Verozub, A. Y. Kochetov A.Y. (Oral)
The recent results by two teams (the Supernova
Cosmology Project and the High-z Supernova Search Team) give evidence
that the deceleration parameter in the standard cosmological model is
negative. It means that the acceleration of the Universe is positive. It
is inconsistent with Newtonian gravitation law, and in General
Relativity can be explained only by a nonzero cosmological constant. In
the paper [L. V. Verozub, A.Y. Kochetov, Phys. and kinem. Of spacial
bodies, 15, 171 (1999)] a model of an expending dust ball from the
viewpoint of our gravitation equations [L. V. Verozub, Phys.
Lett. A, 156, 404 (1991)] has been considered. It follows from the
results that at some parameters of the model the acceleration of the
expanding dust ball can be positive. This unexpected from the viewpoint
of the Newtonian mechanics fact is a consequence of the peculiarity of
the gravitational force [L. V. Verozub, Astr. Nachr. 317, 107 (1996)]
resulting from the above gravitation equations. n the present paper a
detail analysis of the A.Riess at al. observation data from the
viewpoint of the above-mentioned model is given. It is shown that the
negative value of the deceleration parameter can be considered as a
consequence of the gravitation force peculiarity. It is an alternative
explanation to the generally accepted one, which is based on a nonzero
cosmological constant in the Einstein's equations.