Council of the Hellenic Astronomical Society

The present governing body was determined by the elections of the Society which were held on June 28, 2024 and the new Officers were appointed during the first meeting of the Council which took place on July 3, 2024.

Officers for 2024 - 2026
President : Despina Hatzidimitriou
University of Athens
Department of Physics
Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics
Zografos (Athens), GR-15784, Greece

phone: +30 210 7276721
Vice-President :

Georgios Balasis
National Observatory of Athens
Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing
I. Metaxa and Vas. Pavlou St.
Penteli, GR-15236, Greece
phone: +30 210 8109185

Secretary :

Maria Petropoulou
University of Athens
Department of Physics
Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics
Zografos (Athens), GR-15784, Greece
phone: +30 210 7276894

Treasurer : Athanasios Papaioannou
National Observatory of Athens
Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing
I. Metaxa and Vas. Pavlou, str.
GR-15236 Penteli (Athens), Greece
phone: +30 210 8109182
Governing Council for 2024 - 2026
President : Despina Hatzidimitriou, e-mail:
Vice-President : Georgios Balasis, e-mail:
Secretary : Maria Petropoulou, e-mail:
Treasurer : Athanasios Papaioannou, e-mail:
Members : John Antoniadis, e-mail:
Vasilis Archontis, e-mail:
Ioannis Gkolias e-mail:

Auditors for 2024 - 2026
Panayotis Boumis, e-mail:
Tanio Diaz-Santos, e-mail:
Georgios Vasilopoulos, e-mail:
Minutes of Governing Council Meetings & General Assemblies
GC Meetings: 6 Oct. 2006 - 19 Dec. 2006 - 12 Jun. 2007
25th General Assembly: 14 Sep. 2007
GC Meetings: 4 Dec. 2007 - 4 Apr. 2008
26th General Assembly: 20 Jun. 2008
GC Meetings: 20 Jun. 2008 - 5 Sep. 2008 - 5 Dec. 2008 - 19 Mar. 2009
27th General Assembly: 22 Sep. 2009
GC Meetings: 17 Dec. 2009
28th General Assembly: 21 Jun. 2010
GC Meetings: 09 Jul. 2010 - 24 Sep. 2010 - 29 Nov. 2010 - 11 Mar. 2011
29th General Assembly: 6 Sep. 2011
GC Meetings: 28 Sep. 2011 - 19 Dec. 2011 - 28 May 2012
30th General Assembly: 29 Jun. 2012
GC Meetings: 16 Jul. 2012 - 27 Nov. 2012 - 21 Jun. 2013
31st General Assembly: 10 Sep. 2013
GC Meetings: 20 Dec. 2013 - 2 Apr. 2014
32nd General Assembly: 13 Jun. 2014
GC Meetings: 20 Jun. 2014 - 23 Jun. 2014 - 22 Jul. 2014 - 2 Oct. 2014 - 31 Oct. 2014 - 18 Dec. 2014 - 19 Feb. 2015 - 27 Feb. 2015 - 14 Jun. 2015
33rd General Assembly: 30 Jun. 2015
GC Meetings: 19 Jan. 2016 - 24 Mar. 2016 - 9 Jun. 2016
34th General Assembly: 17 Jun. 2016
GC Meetings: 23 Jun. 2016 - 20 Jul. 2016 - 15 Sep. 2016 - 22 Nov. 2016 - 20 Dec. 2016 - 24 Jan. 2017 - 28 Feb. 2017 - 28 Mar. 2017 - 25 Apr. 2017 - 30 May 2017 - 22 Jun. 2017 - 4 Jul. 2017
35th General Assembly: 04 Jul. 2017
GC Meetings: 28 Sep. 2017 - 26 Oct. 2017 - 7 Dec. 2017 - 18 Jan. 2018 - 22 Feb. 2018 - 2 Apr. 2018 - 8 May 2018 - 7 Jun. 2018
36th General Assembly: 22 Jun. 2018
GC Meetings: 26 Jun. 2018 - 12 Jul. 2018 - 11 Sep. 2018 - 15 Oct. 2018 - 5 Nov. 2018 - 3 Dec. 2018 - 7 Jan. 2019 - 7 Feb. 2019 - 7 Mar. 2019 - 4 Apr. 2019 - 2 May. 2019 - 6 Jun. 2019 - 20 Jun. 2019
37th General Assembly: 9 Jul. 2019
GC Meetings: 11 Sep. 2019 - 9 Oct. 2019 - 15 Nov. 2019 - 19 Dec. 2019 - 16 Jan. 2020 - 6 Feb. 2020 - 6 Mar. 2020 - 6 Apr. 2020 - 24 Apr. 2020 - 7 May 2020 - 8 Jun. 2020 - 2 Jul. 2020
38th General Assembly: 17 Jul. 2020
GC Meetings: 23 Jul. 2020 - 1 Sep. 2020 - 2 Oct. 2020 - 10 Nov. 2020 - 10 Dec. 2020 - 12 Jan. 2021
39th Extraordinary General Assembly: 25 Jan. 2021
GC Meetings: 16 Feb. 2021 - 8 Mar. 2021- 23 Apr. 2021- 07 Jun. 2021- 30 Jun. 2021
40th General Assembly: 06 Jul. 2021
GC Meetings: 5 Oct. 2021 - 23 Nov. 2021 - 20 Dec. 2021 - 25 Jan. 2022 - 2 Mar. 2022 - 11 Apr. 2022 - 9 May 2022 - 16 Jun. 2022
41st General Assembly: 24 Jun. 2022
GC Meetings: 28 Jun. 2022 - 26 Aug. 2022 - 4 Oct. 2022 - 15 Nov. 2022 - 15 Dec. 2022 - 7 Feb. 2023 - 29 Mar. 2023 - 22 May. 2023
42st General Assembly: 27 Jun. 2023
GC Meetings: 10 Oct. 2023 - 28 Nov. 2023 - 18 Jan. 2024 - 27 Mar. 2024 - 29 Apr. 2024 - 18 Jun. 2024
43rd General Assembly: 28 Jun. 2024
GC Meetings: 3 Jul. 2024 - 10 Jul. 2024
Honorary President
During the 18th General Assembly of Hel.A.S., which took place in Athens on June 18 2002, Academician George Contopoulos was unanimously accepted as the first Honorary President of the Hellenic Astronomical Society.
Past Councils of the Hellenic Astronomical Society

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