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Session: Extragalactic Astronomy and Astrophysics

Name: Prof. Kalliopi Dasyra (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
Coauthors: No coauthors were included.
Type: Oral
Title: Linking molecular clouds in outflows to star formation

The change in the star formation rate associated with the compression or dissipation of molecular gas in galactic outflows has long been advocated. We present measurements of the changes in the internal and in the external pressure of molecular clouds that are caused by the passage of black hole jets. We find that both enhancement and suppression of star formation can simultaneously happen, as both compression of some clouds and evaporation of other clouds is seen in the VLT MUSE and ALMA data. Radiative-transfer and level population modelling of these data provided the temperature and density of the gas needed for the pressure gradient calculations, and revealed that several jet-ISM interaction mechanisms can lead to these gradients, including mechanical heating and cosmic rays. Approved observations with the MIRI instrument on board the Webb will enable us to determine the pressure of intermediate gas layers, shedding more light on the dynamical fate of dense clouds in outflows. Stellar population synthesis modelling for the determination of the stellar ages along the jet is underway and will benefit from JWST NISpec data.