Submitted Abstracts Grouped by Session
This web page provides a list of all submitted confrence abstracts, grouped by Session and ordered by the last name of the first authors. It is also indicated if the contribution is oral or poster. One may view each abstract, by clicking on the icon , or select the text entitled [Show All Info of Session] to view all abstracts of each
Heliophysics and the Solar System
- Ms. Antonopoulou Alexandra (NOA, NKUA)
(Poster) Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated ULF Wave Classification in Swarm Time Series - Dr. Sigiava Aminalragia-Giamini (SPARC; NKUA)
(Oral) Characterization of the Sun-Earth L2 radiation environment using ESA Standard Radiation Environment Monitor (SREM) measurements: Solar Energetic Particle events and Galactic Cosmic Rays - Dr. Anastasios Anastasiadis (National Observatory of Athens/IAASARS)
(Oral) Are we ready for the next giant leap? - Dr. Georgios Balasis (National Observatory of Athens)
(Poster) Investigation of Dynamical Complexity in Swarm-Derived Geomagnetic Activity Indices Using Information Theory - Dr. Anna Belehaki (National Observatory of Athens)
(Oral) European Research Infrastructures to support ionospheric monitoring and modeling capabilities - Ms. Olga Belli (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) Study of the Ring Current Response to ICMEs and CIRs - Ms. Zoe Boutsi (National Observatory of Athens)
(Oral) Investigation of the Geomagnetically Induced Current Index Levels in the Mediterranean Region During the Strongest Magnetic Storms of Solar Cycle 24 - Mr. Georgios Chouliaras (University of St. Andrews)
(Oral) Magnetic flux emergence: Effects of partial ionisation - Prof. Ioannis Daglis (University of Athens)
(Oral) Predicting the dynamics of outer Van Allen belt relativistic electrons - Mr. Ioannis Dakanalis (UOA, NOA/IAASARS)
(Oral) Detection and line profile analysis of swirling structures on the solar atmosphere from multiwavelength observations - Dr. Stavros Dimitrakoudis (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Long-term Trends and Occurrence Distributions of Geomagnetic Fluctuations as Revealed by 37 Years of CARISMA Observations at 5s Cadence - Ms. Adamantia Dimitrakoula (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) Impact of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections on the dynamic variations of the electron population in the outer Van Allen belt - Dr. Nikolaos Georgakarakos (New York University Abu Dhabi)
(Oral) An explanation for the number asymmetry between the L4 and L5 Jupiter Trojans. - Dr. Manolis Georgoulis (Academy of Athens, RCAAM)
(Oral) Fundamental Understanding and Forecasting of Solar Energetic Events - Dr. Costis Gontikakis (Academy of Athens, RCAAM)
(Poster) Study of the evolution of hot plasma emission prior to flares and CMEs - Dr. Christos Katsavrias (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens; NASA-GSFC)
(Oral) Properties of periodic density structures (PDSs) from L1 to 1 AU and related magnetospheric response - Dr. Ioannis Kontogiannis (Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam)
(Oral) The evolution of net electric currents in solar active regions hosting delta-spots - Ms. Varvara Kotsiourou (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Effect of magnetospheric substorms on the enhancement of the ring current according to observations from the Van Allen Probes mission. - Dr. Athanasios Kouloumvakos (The Johns Hopkins University, APL)
(Oral) Energetic Particle Measurements from the Suprathermal Ion Spectrograph (SIS) during the the First 3 Years of SolO mission - Dr. Alexios Liakos (IAASARS/National Observatory of Athens)
(Oral) NELIOTA: Results from the 6.5 yr monitoring campaign for lunar impact flashes - Dr. Olga Malandraki (NOA/IAASARS)
(Oral) Forecasting and analysis of solar particle radiation storms: A state-of-the-art solution provided by the HESPERIA SEP Real-Time Forecasting products - Dr. Stergios Misios (National Obaservatory of Athens)
(Oral) Solar cycle influences on the atmosphere and climate - Dr. Kostas Moraitis (University of Ioannina)
(Oral) Understanding a flux emergence simulation through magnetic helicity - Ms. Georgia Moutsiana (University of Athens / IASA)
(Poster) A statistical study of the features of ion acceleration events in the Jovian magnetotail using Juno/JEDI data - Ms. Konstantina Moutsouroufi (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) A Magnetospheric Stress Index: Construction and application to Saturn magnetosphere using long-term Cassini measurements. - Ms. Afroditi Nasi (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Investigating the acceleration efficiency of VLF/ULF waves on different populations of outer radiation belt electrons, through multi-point observations and modeling - Prof. Alexander Nindos (University of Ioannina)
(Oral) Recent advances in our understanding of the solar chromosphere - Dr. Evangelos Paouris (GMU & JHU/APL)
(Oral) CME forecasting from L5 utilizing STEREO-A heliospheric imagers: Focus on the period June 2020 – June 2021 - Mr. Constantinos Papadimitriou (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Information-theoretic measures for electron acceleration in the outer radiation belt - Dr. Athanasios Papaioannou (National Observatory of Athens)
(Poster) Predicting the Impact of Solar Energetic Particles - the ADVISOR Research Project - Mr. Nikolaos Sioulas (UCLA)
(Poster) Magnetic field spectral evolution in the inner heliosphere - Ms. Konstantina Thanasoula (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) The dependence of radial diffusion coefficients on solar/interplanetary drivers - Ms. Alexandra Triantopoulou (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) Impact of high-speed solar wind streams on the dynamic variations of the electron population in the outer Van Allen belt - Prof. Kanaris Tsinganos (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Title of invited talk: Latest developments in understanding our Sun via recent space probes, in conjuction with the pioneering discoveries of the founder of Solar & Space Physics Eugene Parker - Prof. Loukas Vlahos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
(Oral) Transport of particles in a fractal environment of coherent structures - Dr. Eugene Zhuleku (University of Ioannina)
(Oral) 3D MHD magnetic flux emergence simulations of toroidal flux tubes in the Sun - Dr. Yannis Zouganelis (European Space Agency)
(Oral) Unlocking the Secrets of the Sun: Early Discoveries and Future Prospects of the Solar Orbiter Mission
Extragalactic Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Dr. Panos Charalampopoulos (University of Turku)
(Oral) Modeling the polarized light of Tidal Disruption Events - Dr. Maria Chira (IAASARS, NOA)
(Oral) Forward-modeling the cosmic accretion history - Mr. Charalampos Daoutis (IA-FORTH & Univ. of Crete)
(Oral) A versatile classification tool for galactic activity using optical and infrared colors - Mr. Charalampos Daoutis (IA-FORTH & Univ. of Crete)
(Poster) A holistic approach in optical galactic activity diagnostics - Prof. Kalliopi Dasyra (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Linking molecular clouds in outflows to star formation - Mr. Georgios Dimopoulos (Universidad Diego Portales)
(Oral) Exploring the circumnuclear environment of SMBHs using ray-tracing simulations in the X-ray band - Ms. Eleftheria Drigga (NOA, AUTH)
(Oral) Properties and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei in Galaxy Clusters - Dr. Natascha M. Forster Schreiber (MPE Garching)
(Oral) Star-forming Galaxies at Cosmic Noon and Beyond - Mr. Markos Georganopoulos (UMBC)
(Poster) The first hard X-ray spectrum of a kpc-scale jet with NuSTAR - Dr. Ioannis Georgantopoulos (National Observatory of Athens)
(Oral) X-ray Active Galactic Nuclei at high redshift - Dr. Nectaria Gizani (HOU, SST)
(Oral) On the Hellenic radio telescope THERMOpYlae - Mr. John Kallimanis (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) The Influence of Shocks on the Jet-impacted Gas Emission of IC5063 - Prof. Antonios Katsianis (SYSU / SJTU)
(Oral) The star formation of galaxies for the last 13 billion years. - Ms. Olga Kefallinou (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) Models of non-thermal gamma radiation of blazars - Dr. Konstantinos Kolokythas (North-West University)
(Oral) En route to the SKA era: MeerKAT's sharp new view on galaxy clusters - Ms. Mado Kourakou (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Stellar mass function of ARC radiogalaxies - Dr. Konstantinos Kouroumpatzakis (Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences)
(Oral) Infrared star-formation rate and stellar mass calibrations and their dependence on stellar population age and extinction - Ms. Evgenia Koutsoumpou (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens )
(Poster) Investigating the Impact of Black Hole Jets on the Interstellar Medium of IC 5063 - Mr. Elias Kyritsis (IA-FORTH & Univ. of Crete)
(Oral) The first unbiased survey of star-forming galaxies with eROSITA: Scaling relations and a population of X-ray luminous starbursts - Mr. Elias Kyritsis (IA-FORTH & Univ. of Crete)
(Poster) The Heraklion Extragalactic Catalogue (HECATE v2.0): A value-added catalogue and its applications - Dr. Giorgos Leloudas (DTU Space)
(Oral) Searching for the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves - Mr. Nikolaos Mandarakas (IA-FORTH & Univ. of Crete)
(Oral) Optical Polarimetry of nearby galaxies - Dr. Alexandros Maragkoudakis (NASA Ames Research Center)
(Oral) Spectral variations among different scenarios of PAH processing or formation - Prof. Eileen Meyer (University of Maryland Baltimore County)
(Oral) The Unsolved Problem of Jets from Black Holes - Dr. Konstantinos Migkas (Leiden University)
(Oral) Cross-calibration of eROSITA cluster temperatures with other X-ray telescopes - Dr. Christos Panagiotou (MIT)
(Oral) Reproducing the UV/optical variability of AGN - Dr. Christos Panagiotou (MIT)
(Poster) A luminous dust-obscured Tidal Disruption Event candidate in a star forming galaxy at 42 Mpc - Mr. Evangelos-Dimitrios Paspaliaris (NOA & AUTh)
(Oral) Star-forming early-type galaxies and quiescent late-type galaxies in the local Universe. - Dr. Panos Patsis (RCAAM, Academy of Athens)
(Oral) THE GAS INFLOW IN THE CENTRAL KILOPARSEC OF GALACTIC BARS - Prof. Giulia Rodighiero (University of Padova)
(Oral) Constraints on early galaxy formation from the JWST - Mr. Charalampos Sinnis (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Numerical investigation of instabilities in relativistic magnetized jets - Dr. Georgios Vernardos (City University of New York (CUNY))
(Oral) Gravitational lensing in the era of big surveys: current status and challenges - Prof. Andreas Zezas (Univ. of Crete & IA-FORTH)
(Oral) The STAR-X mission: the next frontier in wide-area and monitoring surveys
Cosmology and Relativistic Astrophysics
- Ms. Vera Agalianou (University of Ioannina)
(Oral) The rocket effect mechanism in neutron stars in supernova - Mr. Yannis Anastasiadis (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) Analytical GRMHD Jet Models - Mr. John Antoniadis (IA-FORTH)
(Oral) Updates on the search for low-frequency gravitational waves with pulsar timing arrays - Dr. Danai Antonopoulou (JBCA, Manchester)
(Oral) Large-scale superfluidity in neutron stars - Ms. Eleni Antonopoulou (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Tackling the SgrA* orbital motion riddle with a new General-Relativistic Ray Tracing code - Dr. Stella Boula (IFJ PAN)
(Oral) Generalized Hybrid Kinetic Simulations of Particle Acceleration at Merger Shocks in Galaxy Clusters - Dr. Ioannis Contopoulos (RCAAM, Academy of Athens)
(Oral) Novel Features of the Pulsar Magnetosphere - Mr. Ioannis Dimitropoulos (University of Patras)
(Oral) Sgr A* flares, an electromagnetic signal and more - Prof. Dimitrios Giannios (Purdue Univ.)
(Oral) Particle Acceleration in Blazar jets - Prof. Konstantinos Gourgouliatos (University of Patras)
(Oral) Pulsar - Supernova Remnant Associations: Implications for magnetic field evolution and pulsar initial periods - Dr. Dimitrios Kantzas (LAPTh/CNRS)
(Oral) The contribution of X-ray binaries in the cosmic ray and neutrino spectra - Ms. Despina Karavola (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens)
(Oral) Gamma-rays from Synchrotron radiation of Bethe-Heitler pairs in Active Galactic Nuclei - Ms. Elpida Koutsantoniou (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) Algorithms & radiation dynamics near black holes - Prof. Michael Kramer (MPIfR)
(Oral) Radio pulsars as probes of fundamental physics - and more - Prof. Nikolaos Kylafis (Univ. of Crete & FORTH)
(Oral) A quantitative explanation of the radio -- X-ray correlation in black-hole X-ray binaries - Dr. Sam Lander (University of East Anglia, Norwich)
(Oral) Breaking a neutron star’s crust - Dr. Ioannis Liodakis (FINCA)
(Oral) Relativistic jets in the discovery era of X-ray polarimetry - Mr. Argyrios Loules (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens )
(Oral) Unveiling the Effects of Electromagnetic Dissipation on Relativistic Jets - Ms. Cloe Mahe (Universite de la Cote d'Azur)
(Poster) A synchrotron cooling model for the NIR/X-ray flares of Sgr A* - Mr. Nikolaos Mandarakas (IA-FORTH & Univ. of Crete)
(Poster) Optical afterglow polarization of GRB210619B - Prof. Apostolos Mastichiadis (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) A study of natural frequencies in a dynamic corona – disk system - Dr. Konstantinos Migkas (Leiden University)
(Poster) Probing cosmic isotropy with new X-ray clusters and the first eROSITA cluster catalog - Mr. Vasileios Mpisketzis (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Impact of inhomogeneous ejecta in jet dynamics and afterglow emission in binary neutron star mergers - Mr. Dimitris Ntotsikas (University of Patras)
(Poster) Twisted Pulsar Magnetospheres and their Current Sheets - Prof. Foteini Oikonomou (NTNU)
(Oral) The Curious Maximum Rigidity Distribution of Ultra-high Energy Cosmic Ray Accelerators - Dr. Theodoros Papanikolaou (National Observatory of Athens)
(Oral) Primordial magnetic fields from primordial black hole disks - Prof. Maria Petropoulou (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Multi-messenger signatures of magnetically dominated baryon-loaded blazar jets - Prof. Maria Petropoulou (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) The High Energy X-ray Probe (HEX-P): the most powerful jets through the lens of a superb X-ray eye - Mr. Pantelis Pnigouras (University of Alicante)
(Oral) Dynamical tides in neutron star binaries: glimpsing the dense nuclear matter equation of state - Dr. Felix Pötzl (IA-FORTH)
(Oral) Results from the SMILE pilot study to distinguish milli-lens systems - Dr. Brian Reville (MPIK)
(Oral) Non-thermal particle acceleration at relativistic shocks - astrophysical implications - Mr. Dimitrios Skiathas (University of Patras)
(Oral) Simulations of magnetic field evolution in crusts and cores of neutron stars. The impact of ambipolar diffusion. - Mr. Stamatios Ilias Stathopoulos (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens )
(Oral) LeHaMoC: a novel radiation code for high-energy astrophysics - Mr. Petros Stefanou (Universidad de Valencia, Universidad de Alicante)
(Oral) Modelling Force-Free Magnetospheres of Isolated Neutron Stars - Dr. Georgios Vasilopoulos (NKUA/IASA)
(Oral) From BeXRBs to ULXPs: connecting the “dots” - Dr. Georgios Vasilopoulos (NKUA/IASA)
(Poster) Application of neural networks to spectral fitting of extragalactic jet emission - Mr. Andreas Vitsos (University of Patras)
(Poster) Dynamical friction due to fuzzy dark matter on non-spherically symmetric satellites - Prof. Nektarios Vlahakis (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) The Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in Relativistic Jets
Stars, Planets and the Interstellar Medium
- Dr. Stavros Akras (IAASARS/NOA)
(Oral) Do we really comprehend Planetary Nebulae? - Dr. Konstantina Anastasopoulou (INAF - Palermo)
(Oral) The EWOCS view of the unique population of Wolf-Rayet stars in Westerlund 1 - Dr. Tsiaras Angelos (INAF - Arcetri)
(Oral) Towards population studies of exoplanets in the era of JWST and Ariel - Mr. Kostas Antoniadis (National Observatory of Athens / NKUA)
(Poster) The mass-loss rates of Red Supergiants in the Large Magellanic Cloud - Mr. Dimitrios Athanasopoulos (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Ancient Asteroids: An observing campaign reveals the spin states of asteroids that belong to the most ancient collisional families of our Solar System - Ms. Stella Avgousti (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) Variable massive stars in the Andromeda galaxy using the Gaia Data Release 3 - Dr. Alceste Bonanos (National Observatory of Athens)
(Oral) Results of the ASSESS project: Episodic Mass Loss in Evolved Massive Stars: Key to Understanding the Explosive Early Universe - Mr. Konstantinos Bouvis (NTUA-IASARS)
(Poster) Exploring the Physical Properties of Planetary Nebula NGC 3132 with MUSE, JWST and SPITZER data. - Mr. Savvas Chanlaridis (IA-FORTH & Univ. of Crete)
(Oral) Thermonuclear and Electron-Capture Supernovae from Stripped-Envelope Stars - Ms. Evangelia Christodoulou (NOA / NKUA)
(Poster) Near Infrared Spectroscopy of red supergiants in NGC 6822, IC 10 & WLM with EMIR - Prof. Eleftheria-Pan. Christopoulou (University of Patras)
(Oral) Discovery of star systems at the merger limit by large astronomical sky surveys. - Prof. Michael Contadakis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
(Poster) Starquakes on the Flare stars. - Dr. Sophia Derlopa (National Observatory of Athens / IAASARS)
(Oral) Planetary Nebula NGC 2818: 3D morphology and new detected structures - Dr. Georgios Dimitriadis (Trinity College Dublin)
(Oral) The mass puzzle of "Super-Chandrasekhar" SNe Ia - Ms. Zoi Filiou (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) Astrochemical and astrobiological applications of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) - Prof. Anastasios Fragkos (University of Geneva)
(Oral) Unravelling the astrophysical origin of gravitational-wave sources. - Mr. Dionysios Gakis (University of Patras)
(Poster) Transit Timing Variations in exoplanetary systems through the ExoClock Project - Ms. Margarita Gega (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Detection of potential maar craters on planet Mars using HRSC/MEx data - Prof. Paul Kalas (UC Berkeley, Univ. of Crete & FORTH)
(Oral) New HST detections of complex outer structure for the dusty debris disks surrounding seven young planetary systems using STIS coronagraphy - Mr. Anastasis Karagiannis (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) Characterizing Hα emitters from the S-PLUS survey, combining photometric from GALEX, GAIA and SDSS data - Prof. Theodora Karalidi (Univ. of Central Florida)
(Oral) Seeing the giants in 2D and 3D - Ms. Lydia Konstantinou (National Technical University of Athens)
(Poster) NGC 3242 and the enigmatic nature of its Low Ionization Structures: A MUSE perspective - Dr. Maria Kopsacheili (ICE-CSIC)
(Oral) Study of Supernova Remnants using IFU data - Dr. Maria Kopsacheili (ICE-CSIC)
(Poster) A systematic analysis of the physical parameters of Galactic SNRs - Dr. Grigoris Maravelias (National Observatory of Athens & FORTH)
(Oral) Investigating the populations of dusty evolved stars in various metallicities with machine learning - Dr. Grigoris Maravelias (National Observatory of Athens & FORTH)
(Poster) New B[e] supergiants and candidate Luminous Blue Variables in nearby galaxies from the ASSESS project - Mr. Gonzalo Munoz-Sanchez (National Observatory of Athens / NKUA)
(Poster) A luminous RSG in the LMC with a bow shock? - Ms. Sofia Palafouta (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Poster) Low mass ratio eclipsing binaries as red nova progenitors. - Dr. George Pantolmos (CNRS/IPAG)
(Oral) The stable and unstable accretion regimes: Implications for the stellar rotation - Dr. Tatiana Pavlidou (University of Vienna)
(Oral) Linking the Class 0 and Hot Corino populations of the Perseus Molecular Cloud Complex - Dr. Danae Polychroni (INAF - Trieste)
(Poster) Birth and destruction in protoplanetary disks: dust production by planetesimal collisions - Dr. Ioanna Psaradaki (University of Michigan)
(Oral) Mineralogy of interstellar dust in the X-ray regime - Ms. Sofia Savvidou (MPIA, Heidelberg)
(Oral) A giant solution to the disc mass budget problem of planet formation - Dr. Raphael Skalidis (Caltech)
(Oral) Estimating the magnetic field strength in the interstellar medium - Dr. Aris Tritsis (EPFL)
(Oral) Can we observe the ion-neutral drift velocity in molecular clouds? - Mr. Alexandros Tsouros (IA-FORTH & Univ. of Crete)
(Oral) 3D Galactic Magnetic Field Reconstruction Using Local Measurements - Dr. Manos Zapartas (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
(Oral) Investigating the effect of mass loss of Red Supergiants in the Small Magellanic Cloud