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Session: Extragalactic Astronomy and Astrophysics

Name: Mr. John Kallimanis (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
Coauthors: Dasyra Kalliopi (Assistant Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
Type: Poster
Title: The Influence of Shocks on the Jet-impacted Gas Emission of IC5063

AGN-driven outflows affect radiation emissions of the interstellar medium they disturb. The propagation of shock waves constitutes one of the ways that AGN feedback affects the gas in galaxies. By fitting the observed lines in VLT MUSE data, we derive physical quantities (electron density, temperature), via line ratio diagnostics for regions of the galaxy IC5063 that are impacted by the jet of its black hole. We model the emission using the MAPPINGS shock simulations and thus derive shock physical parameters, in regions where the influence of shocks is present. The jets of IC5063 are oriented so that they interact with with certain parts of the galaxy 's disk. Thus, the presence of both shocked and unshocked ISM is deduced. The use of IFU observations, with its enhanced spatial resolution, provides finer details of the structure of the ISM of the galaxy. Predictions for JWST data of the warm H2 emission will be made, which will provide further insight on the physics of the ISM emission following a jet-ISM interaction.