Welcome to the participant registration web page for the 17th Hellenic Astronomical Conference! Please note that the conference registration deadline is Monday, June 9, 2025.
If you have already registered and wish to submit an abstract for the conference select "Abstract Submission" from the menu on the left to login to the Abstract Submission server. Please note that the abstract submission deadline is May 11th, 2025.
Please note that the conference registration fee (Junior: 40 Euros - Ordinary/Associate: 80 Euros - Non Members: 120 Euros) must be paied online using a credit card by Friday, 20 June, 2025. If you need any additional information please contact the Secretary of the Society (secretary@helas.gr).
The Governing Council of HelAS, in order to encourage the participation from young scientists, decided that students (undergraduate, MSc or PhD) whose conference contribution is accepter for a poster or an oral presentation, will pay a 40 Euro registration fee, even if they are not members of the Society.
If you have not registered before, please complete the information below as thoroughly as possible. Once you submit the form, you will receive a confirmation message from "web@helas.gr" to the e-mail address you provided, which will contain your personal username and password. Use these to login to the Abstract Submission server in order to make changes to your registration/contact information as well as to submit an abstract for the conference.
Note that fields marked with a red star "*" are mandatory. If you encounter any issues, please contact John Antoniadis (john [at] ia.forth.gr)