Lord AGNs of the Rings

We are probing the origin of ring-like structures in AGNs. For this reason we are studying the two powerful radio galaxies Hercules A and 3C310 and their clusters. They present many essential and atypical similarities with the striking one being the presence of large-scale rings instead of hotspots. Employing a multiwavelength observational campaign from radio to X-ray wavelengths we are trying to determine the origin of their unusual structure and tenue (compared with the common AGN) and to disentagle the physical mechanisms taking place interior to them and in their clusters. For example: -In the RADIO we probe the pc- and kpc-scale environment. -In the (Near-)INFRARED we try to constrain the nature of the acceleration mechanism in the rings with the corresponding in the usual hotspots, investigate the ISM, shed light in their evolution. -In the X-RAYS, we probe the intracluster medium, identify possible interactions between the X-ray and radio emission, measure cluster magnetic fields.
Presentation Type:
Nectaria A.B. Gizani
Contact Name:
Nectaria A.B. Gizani
                                                                    Δημιουργία Ιστoσελίδας Starfish