European Infrastructure Roadmap (2008)
Following the successful and highly attended ASTRONET Roadmap Symposium, that took place in Liverpool between the 16th and 19th of June 2008, the ASTRONET board approved the final version of the "Infrastructure Roadmap" on the 10th of October 2008. The full report is now available. It was presented in Paris, at a press conference that took place in the Academy of Sciences on Nov. 25..
The Executive Summary report for the Roadmap is also available for download as a PDF file.
A Grand Vision for European Astronomy (2006)
Europe unveils its Scientific Strategies for the next 20 Years
The ASTRONET Science Vision provides a comprehensive overview of the most important scientific questions that European astronomy should address in the next twenty years. The four key questions are the extremes of the Universe, from the nature of the dark matter and dark energy that comprise over 95% of the Universe to the physics of extreme objects such as black holes, neutron stars, and gamma-ray bursts; the formation of galaxies from the first seeds to our Milky Way; the formation of stars and planets and the origin of life; and the crucial question of how do we (and our Solar System) fit in the global picture. These themes reach well beyond the realm of traditional astronomy into the frontiers of physics and biology.
The Vision identifies the major new facilities that will be needed to achieve these goals, but also stresses the need for parallel developments in theory and numerical simulations, high-performance computing resources, efficient astronomical data archiving and the European Virtual Observatory, as well as in laboratory astrophysics.
Download a PDF file of the Astronet Science Vision (17 MB).
Astronomy in Greece at the Gates of the 21st Century (1999)
In the Fall of 1997 The Greek National Committee for Astronomy appointed an External Committee to investigate and report on the possible directions of the Astronomical Sciences in the 21st century in Greece. The selected committee was:
The full committee, with the exception of one person (LA), met at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, on March 13-14, 1998, and reached consensus on the major suggestions and recommendations. Further input was provided when members of the committee visited Greece in the summer of 1998. The report contains an Executive Summary with a Vision of Astronomy in Greece, the Current Status, International Perspectives, Major Recommendations and its Conclusions.