Status of the Greek National Committee for Astronomy

The Greek National Committee for Astronomy(GNCA) was established, by Royal Decree, in 1957 (PDFFEK 144A/1957), as the official advisory committee to the Government for all matters relevant to Astronomical and Astrophysical research. It is the official body, responsible for the promotion and coordination of Astronomy in Greece and for all matters related to international astronomical cooperation (e.g. representing Greece to the International Astronomical Union - IAU, etc). Its term of office is renewed every two years by the Minister of Development and its official seat is the National Observatory of Athens. Since 1995, GNCA does not have its own budget, but relies to the budget of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology(GSRT), Ministry of Development,for its financial obligations. The GNCA has the following principal objectives:

  1. To co-ordinate and promote the various astronomical activities in Greece, including research and education.
  2. To act as the link between the Greek astronomical community and the International Astronomical Union (IAU), officially representing Greece in the General Assembly of the IAU.
  3. To facilitate the advancement of international collaboration between Greek and foreign astronomers and research groups.

Besides the IAU, GNCA has taken responsibility for Greece's representation to the Board of Directors of "Astronomy and Astrophysics" (and its financial contributions), to the European Joint Organization for Solar Observations (JOSO) and, recently, to the FP6, I3, Network OPTICON.

PDFThe various laws and decrees related to the GNCA can be found here (PDF file)