Gr/En Language Version Hel.A.S., 6-th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Penteli 2003
Hel.A.S. Conference
Hotel Information
Registration Form
back page 

Pre-registration Form
1. Insert Personal Information
 Full Name:
Family Name(s) Title      
 (staff, post-doc,...)
2. Your Presentation (not available after the deadline)
 Will you give a presentation? Talk Poster No
 Conference Topics
 Title of Presentation
Up to 240 plain-text characters, about 4 lines, and optionally greek symbols are allowed in the Title field. Do not copy and paste from word-processing utilities.
 Author(s) and Affiliation
Up to 960 plain-text characters, about 16 lines, are allowed in the Authors field. Do not copy and paste from word-processing utilities.
 Short Abstract
Up to 2048 plain-text characters, about 34 lines, and optionally greek symbols are allowed in the Abstract field. Do not copy and paste from word-processing utilities.
3. Complete Your Registration
Registration Completed
The e-registration is no more active.

The second part of the Form should be filled up only by the person giving the presentation.
In a case of more than one presentation, you should fill additional Registration Forms
(one per presentation).
Abstracts Deadline
After the deadline this part of the form should not be filled up.

Problem Report

In a case of any problem with the registration, please contact the Local Organizing Committee