1 st Summer School Program
The detailed program of the Summer School is available as a PDF File.
All morining sessions are tutorials and the afternoon sessions (from Monday to Thursday) are devoted to "student exercises" prepared by the tutors.
Tutors and Tutorials
- Prof. Ioannis A. Daglis (University of Athens):
Energetic Particles and Storms in Geospace
- Dr. Klaus Galsgaard (Niels Bohr Institute):
Magnetic Reconnection in Solar, Space and Laboratory Plasmas
- Dr. Eduard Kontar (University of Glasgow):
Particle acceleration and radiation processes at the Sun
- Prof. Ian R. Mann (University of Alberta):
Wave-Particle Interactions in Geospace
- Prof. Mihalis Mathioudakis (Queen's University of Belfast): Solar Observations from the ground and from space [Lecture 1] ,
[Lecture 2]
- Prof. Antonios Paschalis (University of Athens):
Image data compression for the Proba-3 Coronograph System
- Prof. Spiros Patsourakos (University of Ioannina): Coronal Mass Ejections
- Prof. Kanaris Tsinganos (University of Athens):
Hellenic participation in the ASPIICS Coronograph for the ESA Proba-3 mission
- Prof. Loukas Vlahos (University of Thessaloniki):
Unresolved problems in our understanding of the Solar activity
- Dr. Angelos Vourlidas (Naval Reseach Laboratory): Instrumentation for Space Missions
- Dr. Yannis Zouganelis (ESA/ESAC): The ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter mission
- Dr. Klaus Galsgaard:
Zip file
- Dr. Eduard Kontar :
pdf file
- Prof. Spiros Patsourakos: Zip file
- Prof. Loukas Vlahos: pdf file -1 pdf file -2
Students' Presentations