Astronomy Facilities in Greece |
The following is a list of the optical research and public outreach telescopes in Greece
having a primary mirror greater than 40cm in diameter as well as a radio telescope. A map of the
country with all telescope locations marked, is also available in JPEG
or PDF format.
- Helmos Observatory
Aperture: 2.30m
Location: Mount Chelmos, Achaia
Longitude/Latitude/Altitude : 22.21° E / 37.99° N / 2340m
- Skinakas Observatory
Aperture: 1.29m
Location: Skinakas Peak / Crete
Longitude/Latitude/Altitude: 24.89° E / 35.21° N / 1752m
- Kryoneri Observatory
Aperture: 1.23m
Location: Mount Killini, Corinth
Longitude/Latitude/Altitude: 22.62° E / 37.97° N / 905m
- Stephani Observatory
Aperture: 0.76cm
Location: Mount Trachonion, Corinth
Longitude/Latitude/Altitude: 22.83° E / 37.75° N / 830m
- Newall Refractor / Penteli Visitor Center
Aperture: 0.63m
Location: Mount Penteli, Attica
Longitude/Latitude/Altitude: 23.86° E / 38.05° N / 500m
- Doridis Refractor / Thissio Visitor Center
Aperture: 0.40m
Location: Pnyka Hill, Attica
Longitude/Latitude/Altitude: 23.72° E / 37.97° N / 109m
- Gerostathopoulion/ University of Athens Obs.
Aperture: 0.40m
Location: Univ. of Athens Campus, Zografos, Attiki
Longitude/Latitude/Altitude: 23.78° E / 37.97° N / 250m
Radio telescope
- The Hellenic Radiotelescope (under construction)
Aperture: 30m
Location: The Thermopile Telecommunication Station
Longitude/Latitude : 38°49'20.74"/ 22°41'9.51"
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