Joining Hel.A.S. |
Joining the Society |
According to the Constitution of the
Hellenic Astronomical Society, membership is open to all
individuals who are interested in Greek Astronomy and
Astrophysics and share the goals of Hel.A.S. To join the
Society, one must submit an application to the
current Secretary. The application
should be supported by two Ordinary Members of the
Society. Application forms are available on-line in english
in MS Word
and PDF
format. You may also retrieve the application forms in greek
either in MS
Word or PDF. Requests for a hardcopy version of
the application should be addressed to the Secretary.
Applications are received throughout the year. However members are elected
once a year by the General Assembly (GA) of the Society. The GA examines all
applications that have been received at least 20 days before the GA and are
proposed to the GA by the Governing Council of the Society.
Detailed information on the responsibilities and privileges of the
members can be found in the Constitution of the Society. Some of this
information is provided here. Please refer to the Constitution
(Articles 4-6) for the formal definition (in greek) of all terms
presented bellow.
Benefits of Membership |
Membership to the Society provides a number of benefits. As a member
of the Hel.A.S. an individual:
Is listed in the online directory of the Society
Receives the monthly electronic Newsletter of the Society
Receives at no charge a printed copy of the Hipparchos Newsletter.
Is entitled to a discounted registration fee to the Conferences and events organized by Hel.A.S.
Junior members are eligible for the PhD prize of the Society.
All members are eligible for support towards participation to scientific conferences.
May also become member of the European Astronomical Society (EAS) at not cost, thus
becoming entitled to all EAS benefits (discount for EAS conference, eligibility for EAS prizes).
Membership in the Hel.A.S. also has an indirect impact on the
profession of Astronomy and Astrophysics in Greece since it
facilitates the representation of the Greek astronomical community in
the development of the national policy on issues related to Astronomy and
Classes of Membership |
- Ordinary Member
Open to any person holding a doctorate degree in Sciences or an equivalent
post-graduate title, who according to the Governing Council of Hel.A.S.
is deemed capable of doing original research and fulfilling the requirements
as stated by the Constitution.
- Junior Member
Open to any person, under 35 years of age, who is studying towards a PhD degree
in Astronomy or a closely related field.
- Associate Member
Open to any person, who does not fulfill the requirements for
Ordinary or Junior Member, but who is interested in the advancement of Astronomy
and wishes to help to the goals of Hel.A.S.
- Honorary Member
Open to any person who has a substantial and internationally recognized
contribution to the science of astronomy, as well as to internationally respected
individuals who show deep interest and support to the goals of Hel.A.S.
Membership Fees |
The annual membership fee is due on August 31st of each year. It can be paid via bank transfer to
the account of the Society in the Bank of Piraeus
IBAN: GR42 017 2039 0005 0390 3372 2178
using a credit card [The steps involved are shown in this PDF]
You may download the
invoice as a PDF file,
or as a MS Word file, to review the payment options in more detail.
After a payment please inform the Treasurer of the Society (treasurer@helas.gr).
Membership Class |
One Time Registration Fee |
Ordinary Member |
15 € |
Junior Member |
8 € |
Associate Member |
15 € |
Membership Class |
Annual Fees |
Ordinary Member |
30 € |
Junior Member |
15 € |
Associate Member |
30 € |