Gr/En Language Version Hel.A.S., 6-th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Penteli 2003
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"Sun & Heliosphere" Session Program
DATE: Monday, September 15, 2003
11:30-12:00 Georgoulis M.
(main session
invited speaker)
Statistical properties of flares.
12:00-12:30 Doxas I.
(main session
invited speaker)
The nonlinear dynamics of the magnetosphere and its implications for space weather forecasting.
12:30-13:00 Kallio E.
(main session
invited speaker)
Mercury - solar wind interaction.
13:00-13:15 Tziotziou K. On the nature of chromospheric umbral flashes and running umbral waves.
13:15-13:30 Tsiropoula G. The role of spicules in the mass balance and energy budget of the solar atmosphere.
13:30-13:45 Gontikakis C. Physical parameters of coronal loops deduced from TRACE and SOHO observations.
13:45-14:00 Petrie G. Exact two dimensional MHD modeling of coronal loops.
15:00-15:15 Patsourakos S. Observations and modeling of EUV post-flare loops: what can they tell us about coronal heating?
15:15-15:30 Romeou Z. On the applicability of MHD numerical bifurcation analysis versus the stability theory to coronal loop equilibria.
15:30-15:45 Sarris E. Dependence of the decay phase of solar energetic electron events on the large-scale IMF structure: ACE observations.
15:45-16:00 Malandraki 0. Magnetic topology of in and out of ecliptic ICMEs: ULYSSES/HI-SCALE and ACE/EPAM energetic particle observations.
16:00-16:15 Daglis I. The role of substorms in ion acceleration during geospace magnetic storms.
16:15-16:30 Metallinou
Transport and acceleration of ions during storm-time substorms.
16:30-16:45 Moussas X. Fine radio structures during a major solar event observed with ARTEMIS IV.
16:45-17:00 Geranios A. Magnetic Clouds: A subject of space weather prediction.
17:30-17:45 Anastasiadis A. Electron acceleration and radiation model in an evolving complex active region.
17:45-18:00 Vlahos L. Particle acceleration from a network of unstable current sheets.
18:00-18:15 Koukouli M. E. An unexplored atmosphere; the case of Venus in view of the arrival of Venus Express.
18:15-19:30   Sun and Heliosphere Forum
1. Caroubalos C. Space storm measurements of 17 and 21 April 2002 Forbush effects from ARTEMIS-IV solar radio-spectrograph, Athens Neutron Monitor station and CORONAS-F satellite.
2. Exarhos G. The shape and time variations of the heliosphere and longterm modulation of cosmic rays.
3. Georgiou M. Statistics on the occurrence of solar radio bursts (type II and IV) and their relation with CMEs and flares covering the time interval 1996-2001 (rising and maximum phase of solar cycle 23).
4. Georgoulis M. Lorentz Forces and Helicity Diagnostics in Solar Active Regions Based on a Fast Resolution of the Azimuthal Ambiguity in Solar Vector Magnetograms.
5. Giannikakis I. Properties of solar spicules seen in UV lines.
6. Katsiyannis A. Preliminary results from SECIS observations of the 2001.
7. Kolesnikov F. Kelvin-Helmholtz and shear instabilities of a vortex flow around magnetic flux tube.
8. Leivadiotis G. The cycles of the sunspots in regard with the conjugation of the planets.
9. Marhavilas P. Distinct Shock Acceleration Processes - Evaluation of the magnetic trap dimensions formed upstream of the interplanetary shock on 147 day, 1991, using measurments of ULYSSES S/C.
10. Mitsakou E. Study of 40 solar energetic events based on GOES, LASCO and Artemis IV data (1998-2000).
11. Oreshina I. A Simple Topological Model of Bastille Day Flare (2000, July 14).
12. Patsourakos S. Solar Physics from Space for the Next Solar Cycle.
13. Polygiannakis J. A fluid description of directional energetic particle flux Observations.
14. Pothitakis G. Study on the spatial and temporal occurrence rate of Hα solar flares and their association with halo CMEs during the rising and maximum phase of the solar cycle 23 (1994-2001).
15. Sergis N. The northern bow shock and electron foreshock of Mars based on Mars Global Surveyor data.
16. Voytsekhovskaya A. Nonlinear Mechanism of the Generation of KAW in the Solar Corona.
17. Zouganelis I. Basic aspects of the collisionless kinetic theory of the solar wind.
Sessions Program
Sun & Heliosphere
Stars & Stellar Systems
Extragalactic Astronomy
High Energy Astrophysics
Cosmology, Relativity & Relativistic Astrophysics
Galactic Dynamics & Chaotic Dynamical Systems
Infrastructure of Astronomy in Greece
History & Teaching of Astronomy


(*) Only the first author name is shown if more than one contributes.