Gr/En Language Version Hel.A.S., 6-th Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Penteli 2003
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"Galactic Dynamics & Chaotic Dynamical Systems" Session Program
DATE: Monday, September 15, 2003
15:00-15:50 Contopoulos G. Classification of Homoclinic Tangles.
15:50-16:25 Varvoglis H. Origin of short-lived asteroids in the 7/3 Kirkwood gap.
16:25-17:00 Voglis N. Secular Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies with Central Black Holes.
17:30-18:20 Athanassoula L. Formation and Evolution of Bars.
18:20-18:55 Patsis P. On the nature of inner rings in bars.
18:55-19:30 Ichtiaroglou S. Non-integrability in Galactic Potentials.
1. Vozikis Ch. Computer simulations of the sinking small satellite galaxies.
2. Papadopoulos N. Chaos in a galaxy model with a mass transport.
3. Kalvouridis T. Double Periodic Orbits in Ring (N+1)-Body Models.
4. Elst E. Strategy for discovering asteroids on chaotic orbits.
5. Godano R. G. AstroWavelets.
6. Tsironis Ch. Ion interactions with an auroral potential structure: Hamiltonian approach.
7. Voglis N. Soliton movements of stars in galactic dynamic models.
8. Voglis N. Statistics of type of orbits in self-consistent N-body systems.
9. Skokos Ch. Tracing periodic orbits in 3D galactic potentials with the PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMISATION method.
10. Kalapotharakos C. Line-of-Sight Velocity Profiles in self-Consistent Galactic Models.
11. Patsis P. A. Face-on views of 3D barred galaxies.
12. Leivadiotis G. N-coupled Standard Maps and the Dynamical Spectra of Stretching Numbers.
13. Leon S. Evolution of GC Distributions in Compact Galaxy Groups.
14. Pinotsis A. D. Theoretical prediction of the existence of families of periodic orbits in the N-body ring problem.
Sessions Program
Sun & Heliosphere
Stars & Stellar Systems
Extragalactic Astronomy
High Energy Astrophysics
Cosmology, Relativity & Relativistic Astrophysics
Galactic Dynamics & Chaotic Dynamical Systems
Infrastructure of Astronomy in Greece
History & Teaching of Astronomy


(*) Only the first author name is shown if more than one contributes.