Hel.A.S. Newsletter 104 - October 2006


                            ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER
             NUMBER 104                                October 2006

   E-mail: elaset@astro.auth.gr      WWW:  http://www.astro.auth.gr/elaset


   1. Short News
   2. The General Assembly of Hel.A.S.
   3. The Elections of Hel.A.S.
   4. Job openings
   5. Members in new positions
   6. Upcoming Astronomy meetings in Greece
   7. About this Newsletter


   We would like to congratulate Prof. D. Hatzidimitriou (Univ. of Crete)
  who was elected as the Vice President of the IAU Division VII
  (Galactic System) as well as the new President of the IAU Commission
  37 (Star Clusters and Associations) for the 2006-2009 term.

   Following a proposal of Prof. Christos Zerefos, Director of the National
  Observatory of Athens (NOA), a chair of UNESCO on Natural Disasters
  will be created at NOA. UNESCO also proposed to the United Nations that
  the year 2009 is declared as the Year of Astronomy.

     Dr. Petropoulos Vassilios (Academy of Athens), a founding member of
  Hel.A.S. passed away on Sunday September 17, 2006. On behalf of all
  member of the Society the Council of Hel.A.S. would like to express
  its condolences to his family.


    During the 24th General Assembly of Hel.A.S. which took place on
  September 22, 2006 the President of the Society Prof. P. Laskarides
  presented a summary of the activities of HelAS during the last two
  years, the Treasurer Assoc. Prof.  E. Theodossiou a detailed account
  of the finances. The Secretary Prof.  K. Tsinganos presented an
  update on the HelAS membership status over the past year which was
  summarized to the following:

   - Members of Hel.A.S. moving from Junior to Ordinary status:
     Dr Olga Bitzaraki (PhD 2003, University of Athens)
     Dr Alceste Bonanos (PhD 2005, Harvard University, USA)
     Dr Dimitris Giannios (PhD 2005, University of Crete)
     Dr Ioannis Gonidakis (PhD 2005, University of Manchester, UK)
     Dr Paschalis Paschos (PhD 2005, Un.of Illinois Urbana-Champaign,USA)
     Dr Emmanouel Rovilos (PhD 2004, University of Manchester, UK)

   - Newly elected Ordinary members:
     Dr Zacharias Ioannou (PhD University of Keele, UK)
     Dr Styliani Kafka (PhD 2005, University of Indiana, USA)
     Dr Maria Kroustalloudi-Flerianou (PhD 2006, Nat. Tech. Un. of Athens)
     Dr Athena Meli (PhD 2002, Imperial College, Univ. of London, UK)
     Dr Polychronis Papaderos (PhD 1998, University Gottingen, Germany)
     Dr Spiros Patsourakos (PhD 2000, In. of Paris XI, Orsay, France)
     Dr Jason Spyromilio (PhD 1989, Imperial College, Un. of London, UK)
     Dr Christos Tzanavaris (PhD 2003, Cambridge, Institute of Astronomy, UK)

   - Newly elected Junior members:
     Panagiotis Gavras (Graduate student, University of Athens)
     Eva Lefa (Graduate student, University of Athens)
     Maria  Magkanari (Graduate student, University of Athens)
     Kostas Moraitis (Graduate student, University of Athens)
     Periklis Rammos (Graduate student, University of Athens)

   - Newly elected Associate members:
     Alexandros Liakos
     Kostantinos Markakis
     Kostantinos Stamou

   - Members who asked to cancel their membership, or members who no
     longer fulfill the membership criteria, as stated by the Constitution
     and were removed from the Society :
     Fereos Graos (J)
     Prof. Panagiotis Michaelidis (O)
     Nikos Mylonas (J)
     Dr.  Konstantinos Pavlakis (O)
     Prof. Ilias Vardavas (O)

   - Members who passed away:
     Prof. Vassilios Barbanis (FO)
     Dr. Vassilios Petropoulos (FO)


    In the elections that followed the 24th General Assembly of
  September 22, 2006, the members of Hel.A.S. voted for a President,
  as well as a new Council and Auditors.  The total number of eligible
  to vote members was 82 and an equal number of ballots were collected.

  The results were:

     President: Prof. Tsinganos Kanaris              (73 votes)

     Council: Assoc. Prof. Kokkotas Kostas         (39 votes)
              Dr. Plionis Manolis                              (37 votes)
              Assis. Prof. Charmandaris Vassilis       (32 votes)
              Assoc. Prof. Mastichiadis Apostolos    (28 votes)
              Dr. Daglis Ioannis                               (25 votes)
              Assis. Prof. Papadakis Iosif                  (20 votes)
              Assoc. Prof. Anagnostopoulos Georgios (19 votes)
              Dr. Efthymiopoulos Christos           (19 votes)

   Auditors:  Dr. Xilouris Emmanuel                 (53 votes)
                   Lect. Vlahakis Nektarios              (45 votes)
                   Assis. Prof. Nindos Alexandros        (23 votes)

   Following the constitution of Hel.A.S. Prof. K. Tsinganos will be the
  President of the Society for the 2006-2008 term, Prof. Kokkotas, Dr.
  Plionis, Prof. Charmandaris, Prof. Mastichiadis, Dr. Daglis and Prof.
  Papadakis will be the members of the Council for the same period,
  while Dr.  Xilouris, Prof. Vlahakis and Prof. Nindos will act as


    An opening for a PhD dissertation on the subject of Star Formation
  and the Low-Mass Initial Mass Function, under the supervision of
  Dr. D. Gouliermis is available at MPIA in Heidelberg. For more
  information visit:


    We would like to remind all members that a number of links poining
  to sources of job openings in astronomy all over the world are
  available at:



   We would like to congratulate Prof. Christos Goudis, who was recently
  unanimously reelected as the director of the Institute of Astronomy
  and Astrophysics of the National Observatory of Athens.

   We would like to congratulate Dr. Kleomenis Tsiganis, who recently
  commenced his appointment as Lecturer in the Dept. of Physics of the
  University of Thessaloniki.

   We would like to congratulate Dr. Nektaria Gizani who recently
  commenced her appointment as Lecturer in the Section of Astroparticle
  Physics of the Hellenic Open University.


  The following meetings will take place in Greece. Please check the
  corresponding web page or contact the organizers by e-mail for more


                           "Solar Orbiter Workshop II"
                Acropolis Divani Hotel, Athens, 16 - 20 October 2006
                       More information can be found at:


                            "Extreme solar Systems"
                    Santorini Island, 24 - 29 June 2007



    This Newsletter was edited by Vassilis Charmandaris and Kanaris
  Tsinganos. It was forwarded to the 254, out of the 266, members of
  Hel.A.S. who have e-mail access.

    The next edition of the Newsletter will be mailed around November 1st
  2006. Please send your announcements (e.g. appointments/departures,
  job openings, research opportunities, awards, conferences in
  Greece) or comments before October 25, 2006. All correspondence
  concerning the Newsletter should be addressed to:


    If you do not wish to receive future issues of this Newsletter or
  the e-mail address to which it was sent is not your preferred one,
  please let us know.



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