- Short News
- The 2012-14 Governing Council of Hel.A.S.
- Awards "For Women in Science"
- Call to organise EAS Symposia during EWASS 2013
- Upcoming Astronomy Meetings in Greece
- About this Newsletter
The "Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing" of the National Observatory of Athens has released a new trailer for the advertisement of its activities to the public. The trailer is available at the Institute's web page (
We would like to remind you the three job openings and the three grants for PhD studies that were announced in our previous Newsletter and in the message that were sent to all our members two weeks ago. You can contact the members of our Society Dr. A. Bonanos, Prof. V. Pavlidou, and Dr. E. Xilouris for further information on these openings.
The first meeting of the new Governing Council (GC) of Hel.A.S. took place on July 16, 2012 under the presidency of Prof. N. Kylafis. The GC appointed Dr. C. Efthimiopoulos as the Vice President of the Society, Prof. I. Papadakis as the Secretary, and Prof. N. Vlahakis as the Treasurer. Dr. Efthimiopoulos will be the new editor of Hipparchos, with the assistance of Dr. A. Bonanos and Prof. K. Tsiganis. Prof. Papadakis will remain the editor of the monthly electronic newsletter. Dr. A. Anastasiadis will be the person in charge of the web page of the Society. A number of other issues were discussed during the meeting and all members are encouraged to review the minutes which are available online at the end of the web page:
Please note that at the same web page you can also find the minutes of the General Assembly of our Society which took place in June 29, 2012.
L'OREAL Hellas and the Greek National Committee for UNESCO announced the new call for three National Awards "For Women in Science", each worth 10,000 euros. All Greek female scientists, who are under 38 years of age and work in a Greek University or Research Center are eligible to apply. The deadline for applications is October 1, 2012. For more information check here.
4. Call to organise EAS Symposia during EWASS 2013 |
the EAS Council has agreed to extend the deadline to receive Expressions of Interest to organise EAS Symposia or Special Sessions during EWASS 2013 until August 3, 2012. The European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EWASS 2013) will take place in Turku, Finland, from 8-13 July, 2013. A broad range of parallel sessions can be accommodated as "Symposia", consisting of up to 6 blocks of 1.5 hours, stretching over 2 days, or as "Special Sessions", consisting of up to 3 blocks of 1.5 hours. Proposers should strive to make their proposals of interest to large fractions of the European Astronomical community. All proposals should be submitted as plain text email, with up to a maximum of 500 words, and should include the following information: 1) Title and type of proposed session, 2) Summary of the goal(s) of the session, 3) Names of organisers (at least two persons), 4) Justification for proposed duration of the session (how many 1.5-hour blocks?) and 5) Anticipated audience size. Proposals should be sent to Elias BRINKS ( with copies to the SOC Chair: Esko Valtaoja ( and to the LOC Chair: Aimo Sillampaa ( by Friday 3rd of August 2012 for review by the SOC.
This Newsletter was sent to all members of Hel.A.S. who have e-mail access. The next edition of the Newsletter will be mailed around September 1st, 2012. Please send your announcements (e.g. appointments/departures, job openings, research opportunities, awards, conferences in Greece) or comments before August 25, 2012. If you do not wish to receive future issues of this Newsletter or the e-mail address to which it was sent is not your preferred one, please inform the Secretary of Hel.A.S.