Hel.A.S. Newsletter 77 - July 2004


                           ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER
             NUMBER 77                              July 2004

  E-mail: elaset@astro.auth.gr      WWW: http://www.astro.auth.gr/elaset


  1. Short News
  2. Job Opening
  3. The Genaral Assembly of Hel.A.S.
  4. The Elections of Hel.A.S.
  5. Program Athinogaia
  6. New address in the Academy of Athens
  7. Upcoming Astronomy meetings in Greece
  8. About this newsletter.


     We would like to congratulate Dr. Alexander Nindos (Univ. of 
  Ioannina) who was recently elected in the Board of of CESRA 
  (=Community of European Solar Radio Astronomers) during the last
  CESRA meeting in Scotland the first week of June, 2004.

    We would like to congratulate Dr. Chryssa Kouveliotou who together
  with Robert Duncan and Christopher Thompson was the recipient of
  the 2003 Rossi Prize, the highest honor of the High Energy
  Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society. Dr.
  Kouveliotou received the award for her observational confirmation of
  the existence of magnetars: neutron stars with extraordinarily
  strong magnetic fields. Dr. Kouveliotou also played a leading role
  in winning the 2002 Descartes Prize, which comes with a funding of
  one million Euros, for gamma-ray burst afterglow observations by a
  large European collaboration (Ed van den Heuvel, University of
  Amsterdam is the PI of the collaboration).

  Unfortunately, the editors of the newsletter did not become aware of
  those awards at an earlier time and failed to inform the members of
  Hel.A.S. in a timely manner.  We would like to encourage all members
  who happen to learn about similar news to share them with the

    A new position at the level of "Assistant Professor" in the research
  area of "Observational Astronomy" has openend in the Dept. of Physics
  of the Univ. of Thessaloniki. (FEK 90, pages 567-568, 17 June
  2004). More information on the position will be available in the web server
  of Hel.A.S. and will also be provided in the next newsletter. 


    During the General Assembly of Hel.A.S. (21/6/04) Prof. John
  Hadjidemetriou, presented the HelAS invited talk "Dynamics of
  Extrasolar Planetary Systems".  In this very interesting and timely
  talk, Prof. J. Hadjidemetriou presented with his usual systematic
  and pedagogic way (which many members of HelAS had the chance to
  enjoy as his former students at the Un. of Thessaloniki, but now
  also including the aid of multimedia), his 3-body studies on this
  classical problem related to the more than 107 extrasolar planetary
  systems (more than 13 multiple systems) which have been already
  observed and count more than 122 planets.  The President of the
  Society Prof. P. Laskarides presented a summary of the activities of
  HelAS during the last two years, the Treasurer Assoc. Prof.
  E. Theodossiou a detailed account of the finances, while the
  Secretary Prof.  K. Tsinganos affirmed the positive general outlook
  of the Society and the HelAS membership status :
   - Members of Hel.A.S. moving from Junior to Ordinary status:
     Dr. Stamatellos Dimitrios (Cardiff University, U.K.)

   - Newly elected Junior members: 
     Chatzivantsidis Georgios (Univ. of Thessaloniki)
     Gerontidou Maria (Univ. of Athens)
     Giannios Dimitrios (Univ. of Crete)
     Metallinou Fiori-Anastasia (Univ. of Thessaloniki)
     Petridis Andreas (Univ. of Cyprus)
     Plainaki Xristina (Univ. of Athens)
   - Newly elected Associate members: 
     Papaioannou Athanasios (Univ. of Athens)

   - Members Deceased: 
     Dr. Polygiannakis John

    In the elections that followed the 20th General Assembly of June
  21, 2004, the members of Hel.A.S. voted for a President, as well as
  a new Council and Auditors. The ballots were reviewed and counted by 
  a Committee having as members Dr. Mastichadis, Dr. Akylas and 
  Dr. Dallas. Out of the 254 members of the Society, 96 
  had paid their annual dues on the day of the elections and were 
  eligible to vote. A total of 89 ballots were collected, 6 of which
  were not eligible to be considered according to the Constitution.
  (5 were submitted late and 1 was from a member who had not paid his

  The results were:
     President:     Prof. Laskarides Paul                (79 votes)

     Council:       Prof. Tsinganos Kanaris              (49 votes)
                    Assoc. Prof. Theodossiou Efstratios  (38 votes)
                    Assoc. Prof. Moussas Xenophon        (31 votes)
                    Assoc. Prof. Kokkotas Kostas         (26 votes)
                    Ass. Prof. Hadjidimitriou Despina    (22 votes)
                    Dr.   Daglis Ioannis                 (22 votes)
                    Dr.   Georgantopoulos Ioannis        (20 votes)
                    Dr.   Dara Eleni                     (18 votes)
                    Prof. Geroyannis Vassilios           (12 votes) 

     Auditors:      Ass. Prof.  Danezis Emmanouil        (39 votes)
                    Dr.   Xilouris Emmanouil             (39 votes)
                    Assoc. Prof.  Mavromichalaki Eleni   (25 votes)
                    Ass. Prof.   Stergioulas Nikolaos    (22 votes)
                    Dr.   Grammenos Theofanis            (16 votes)
                    Dr.   Manimanis Vassilios            (15 votes)



    The General Secretariat of Research & Technology after an open
  call for proposals and international peer review has funded the
  astronomical project "ATHINOGAIA" for 24 months. The programme is
  under the 3rd EC frame of support operational program:
  Competitiveness, (code 4.3), activities/programs of international
  organizations.  The aim of this action is to encourage Greek
  institutions for active collaborations in European and International
  level with Organizations where Greece is a member or has special
  convention for cooperation. This particular project will be focused
  in the preparation of "GAIA" the ESA cornerstone mission.  Four
  young researchers with experience in the analysis & reductions of
  astronomical data will be employed to carry out the tasks of the
  project (postgraduate and post-doc level).  The program will be
  hosted by the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens and those
  interested should contact Dr. M. Kontizas at mkontiza@cc.uoa.gr,
  (30210 7276 770) till the 15th of July.


   The Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics 
  of the Academy of Athens has moved to a new building. Please visit
  the online directory of the Society to find the new postal address
  and phone numbers of the members of Hel.A.S. affiliated with the Center.   


    The following meetings will take place in Greece in the coming
  months. Please check the corresponding web pages or contact the
  organizers by e-mail for more information.


                  International Conference & Summer School
                     "Complexity in Science and Society"
                            Patras, 14-20 July

                             More information at: 


      ''The Environments of Galaxies:from Kiloparsecs to Megaparsecs"
 		       Chania, Crete 9-13 August 2004
                             More information at: 



   This Newsletter was edited by Vassilis Charmandaris and Kanaris
  Tsinganos. It was forwarded to the 228, out of the 253, members of
  Hel.A.S. who have e-mail access.

   The next edition of the Newsletter will be mailed around August 1st
  2004. Please send your announcements (e.g. appointments/departures,
  job openings, research opportunities, awards, conferences in Greece)
  or comments before July 25, 2004. All correspondence concerning the
  Newsletter should be addressed to:


   If you do not wish to receive future issues of this Newsletter or the
  e-mail address to which it was sent is not your preferred one, please
  let us know.



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