Greeks with a PhD in Astronomy |
Bagetakos Ioannis |
Balasis Georgios |
Position: |
Researcher, National Observatory of Athens |
PhD: |
2001, Dept. of Physics, Univesity of Athens, Greece |
Thesis: |
Modeling the Electric Properties of a Solid Section by Decomposition of the Electromagnetic Wave Impedance Tensor |
Supervisor(s): |
Eftaxias Konstantinos |
Biography: |
Baltagiannis Agamemnon |
Bamias Ioannis |
Position: |
High School Teacher |
PhD: |
1990, Dept. of Physics, University of Athens, Greece |
Thesis: |
Particle orbits and energy extraction from a Kerr black hole |
Supervisor(s): |
Contopoulos George |
Biography: |
Bampasidis Georgios |
Banos Cosmas |
Position: |
Researcher, National Observatory of Athens |
PhD: |
1969, Dept. of Physics, University of Athens, Greece |
Thesis: |
A contribution to the study of the Jupiter atmosphere |
Supervisor(s): |
Kotsakis Demetrios |
Biography: |
Banos Cosmas: Researcher (retired), Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, National Observatory of Athens, Greece. He was born in Athens, Greece, on the 22nd of October, 1933. He received the B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Athens, Greece, and his Ph.D. from the same University. He was interested scientifically mainly on the Physics of the solar Planets. He is a member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). |
Banos George |
Position: |
Faculty, University of Ioannina |
PhD: |
1969, Dept. of Physics, University of Athens, Greece |
Thesis: |
A contribution to the turbulence in Solar photosphere |
Supervisor(s): |
Kotsakis Demetrios |
Biography: |
Banos George (1932-2014)
Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics, University of Ioannina, Greece. He was born in Athens, Greece, on June 10, 1932 and passed away on October 28, 2014. He received the B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Athens, Greece in 1956 and his Ph.D. from the same University under the supervision of Prof. Kotsakis, in 1968. He had worked as Assistant and Chief Assistant at the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the National Observatory of Athens, from 1959 until 1974 when he became a Professor at the Dept. of Physics of the Univ. of Ioannina. He also served as Rector of the University of Ioannina from 1979-1980. His scientific interest were the area of Solar Physics. |
Barbanis Vassilios |
Position: |
Faculty, University of Thessaloniki |
PhD: |
1962, Dept. of Physics, University of Thessaloniki, Greece |
Thesis: |
Application of the third integral to the distribution of stellar velocities |
Supervisor(s): |
Contopoulos George |
Biography: |
Barbanis Vassilios, (1926-2006)
Professor (Emeritus), Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He was born in Athens, Greece, on the 26th of October, 1926. He received the B.Sc. in Mathematics from the University of Athens, Greece (1953) and the Ph.D. in Astronomy from the University of Thessaloniki (1953). He worked at the Department of Physics at the same University and reached the position of the Docent (1968). He has been elected as Professor of Astronomy of the University of Patras, Greece (1969-1979) and, finally, he was elected as Professor of Astronomy at the University of Thessaloniki, Greece. For one year (1955-56) he has worked as Research Associate at the Department of Astronomy of the Columbia University of N.Y., U.S.A. His scientific interests included the Dynamics of Stellar systems, stellar paths in galactic models and the chaotic behaviour of dynamical systems with two and three degrees of freedom. He had published many papers in refereed scientific journals and proceedings of international meetings as well as 6 textbooks and one scientific book. |
Barbatsi Katerina |
Position: |
Researcher, National Observatory of Athens |
PhD: |
1988, Dept. of Physics, University of Athens, Greece |
Thesis: |
A study of the behaviour of the ionospheric E-layer in conjunction with the variation of the cyclic ionospheric currents |
Supervisor(s): |
Caroubalos Constantin - Kouris Stamatis |
Biography: |
Dr. Barbatsi worked as a researcher at the Ionospheric Institute of the National Observatory of Athens from 1972 until her retirement in 1996. |
Basilakos Spyros |
Batziou Eirini |
Position: |
Postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics |
PhD: |
2023, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Technical University of Munich, Germany |
Thesis: |
Neutron Star Formation in Accretion-Induced Collapse of White Dwarfs |
Supervisor(s): |
Janka Hans-Thomas |
Biography: |
Bekiaris George |
Belcheva Maya |
Position: |
Researcher, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
PhD: |
2011, Dept. of Physics, Univesity of Athens, Greece |
Thesis: |
Galaxies resolved in stars for Gaia Space Mission |
Supervisor(s): |
Kontizas Mary |
Biography: |
Belehaki Anna |
Bellas-Velidis Ioannis |
Position: |
Researcher, National Observatory of Athens |
PhD: |
1990, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria |
Thesis: |
Spectrophotometrical Investigations of Stars; Software for Stellar Spectrograms Automatical Processing in the NAO-Rozhen |
Supervisor(s): |
Kovatchev Bogomil |
Biography: |
Researcher (retired). He was born in Poland on the 8th of September, 1952. obtained his BSc in Physics in 1976, his MSc in Astrophysics in 1978 and his PhD in 1990 from the Sofia University (Bulgaria). From 1975 to 1978, he worked as an Astronomer in the Public Observatory at Kardjaly (Bulgaria) and from 1989 to 1994 to National Observatory of Athens. From 1994 to 2006, he worked as science support staff at the former Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the National Observatory of Athens. In 2006, he was promoted to Associate Researcher and since 2009 he works as Senior Researcher at the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens. He retired in 2019. His research interests are in artificial intelligence methods development and application for data processing and analysis (in astrophysics, engineering and medicine), classification and parameterization of galaxy spectra, galaxies evolutionary spectra modeling, galactic and extra-galaxy stellar systems content, observational spectrophotometry and photometry of symbiotic and symbiotic-like stars. |
Bisbas Thomas |
Position: |
Researcher, Research Center for Intelligent Computing Platforms |
PhD: |
2009, Dept. Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University, United Kingdom |
Thesis: |
Smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulations of expanding HII regions. |
Supervisor(s): |
Whitworth Anthony |
Biography: |
Bitsakis Theodoros |
Bitzaraki Olga |
Bonanos Alceste |
Position: |
Researcher, National Observatory of Athens |
PhD: |
2005, Dept. of Astronomy, Harvard University, USA |
Thesis: |
Determining accurate distances to nearby galaxies |
Supervisor(s): |
Stanek Krzysztof |
Biography: |
Bonfini Paolo |
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