Greeks with a PhD in Astronomy |
Sakellariadou Mairi |
Position: |
Faculty, Kings College London |
PhD: |
1990, Dept. of Physics, Tufts University, USA |
Thesis: |
Strings matter: Dynamics and evolution of cosmic string networks in flat spacetime |
Supervisor(s): |
Vilenkin Alexander |
Biography: |
https://www.kcl.ac.uk/people/mairi-sakellariadou |
Sakelliou Irini |
Samara Evangelia |
Position: |
Postdoc, NASA |
PhD: |
2022, , KU Leuven, Belgium |
Thesis: |
Understanding and modeling the solar wind: challenges, limitations and solutions towards better predictions |
Supervisor(s): |
Poedts Stefaan |
Biography: |
Sandberg Ingmar |
Sanidas Sotirios |
Sapountzis Konstantinos |
Sarafopoulos Dimitrios |
Position: |
Faculty, University of Thrace |
PhD: |
1987, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Thrace, Greece |
Thesis: |
Dynamics behavior of the charged energetic particles within the plasma sheet of the earths magnetosphere. |
Supervisor(s): |
Sarris Emmanuel |
Biography: |
Associate Professor, Department of Telecommunications
and Space Research, Democritus University of Thrace,
Greece (since 2005). He was born in Drama, Greece on the
1st of September, 1957. He obtained the B.Sc. in Electrical
Engineering from the Democritus University of Thrace (1981)
and the Ph.D. in Space Physics (Space Electrodynamics,
Magnetospheric Physics- Energetic particles) from the same
University (1987). He has worked as Lecturer (1989-1994)
and as Assistant Professor (1994-2005) at the same
Department. His scientific interests include Space
Electrodynamics, Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere
Interaction, ULF Pulsations in the Earth’s Magnetosphere,
Storms-Substorms, Boundary events, Magnetospheric currents and Satellite Communications. |
Sarlanis Christos |
Sarris Theodore |
Position: |
Faculty, Democritus University of Thrace |
PhD: |
2003, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Thrace, Greece |
Thesis: |
Simulation of Particle Enegization in Dynamic Electromagnetic Fields |
Supervisor(s): |
Tsagas Nicolaos |
Biography: |
Sarris Eleftherios |
Position: |
Researcher, National Observatory of Athens |
PhD: |
1977, Dept. of Physics, University of Athens, Greece |
Thesis: |
Families of periodic orbits and new integrals of motions in the elliptic three body problem |
Supervisor(s): |
Contopoulos George |
Biography: |
Researcher (retired), Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, National Observatory of Athens, Greece. He was born in Paris, France on the 26th of July, 1934. He received the B.Sc. in Mathematics (1962) and the Ph.D. (1977), both from the University of Athens. He has worked as a high-school Professor of Mathematics (1962-66) and as Assistant at the Laboratory of Astronomy of the University of Athens (1966-71). His scientific interests include the Clestial Mechanics, the Planets, the Sun and the stellar Clusters. He is a member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and a founding member of the Hellenic Astronomical Society (Hel.A.S.). |
Sarris Emmanouel |
Position: |
Faculty, Democritus University of Thrace |
PhD: |
1973, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Iowa, USA |
Thesis: |
Effects of Interplanetary Shock Waves on Energetic Charged-Particles |
Supervisor(s): |
van Allen James |
Biography: |
Professor Emeritus, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. Born in Athens, Greece in 1945, he received the B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Athens, Greece (1967), the M.Sc. (1971) and Ph.D. (1973) in Space Physics both from the University of Iowa, U.S.A. (with J.A.Van Allen),. He has worked as Postdoctoral Fellow at the Applied Physics Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University (1974-76) and as Research Scientist at the Max-Planck-Institut (1976-77). In 1977 he was elected Professor of Electrodynamics at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Thrace and Director of the Space Research Laboratory 1977. He has been elected Dean of the School of Engineering (1986-89) and Director of the Institute of Ionospheric and Space Physics of the National Observatory of Athens, Greece (1990-96). His research interest and experience is on Space Plasma Electrodynamics; Design, Construction and Testing of Space Instruments and Systems; Satellite Communications; Satellite Remote Sensing. He has been or is Co- Investigator or Principal Investigator in the International Space Missions: Ulysses, Geotail, Interball-Aurora, Interball-Tail, ACE, Cluster and Spektr-R. He has published more than 300 refereed publications. He is or has been Member of the Standing Committee on Space Science, ESF (1979-86), COSPAR Plenary Council, National Representative, COSPAR Commission D1 Chairman, (1992-98). He is Member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), of the European Geophysical Union (EGU) and of the Hellenic Astronomical Society (Hel.A.S). He has been honored with his election to the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars, (1992), with the Award for Academic Excellence (1994), with NASA Awards for outstanding contributions to the Ulysses and Geotail Missions and with the ESA Award for outstanding contribution to the Ulysses Mission. He is Corresponding Member of the Academy of Athens (elected 2003) and Member of the International Academy of Astronautics (elected 2003). |
Savopulos Mihail |
Position: |
Private Sector |
PhD: |
1995, Dept. of Physics, Imperial College London, United Kingdom |
Thesis: |
Diffusive shock acceleration in the solar system |
Supervisor(s): |
Quenby John |
Biography: |
Savvidou Sofia |
Seimenis Ioannis |
Position: |
Faculty, University of the Aegean |
PhD: |
1989, Dept. of Physics, University of Athens, Greece |
Thesis: |
Approximative calculation of orbits in dynamical systems |
Supervisor(s): |
Contopoulos George |
Biography: |
Professor, Department of Mediterranean Studies, University of the Aegean, Greece. He was born in Athens of the 21st of September, 1958. He received the B.Sc. in Mathematics (1985) and the Ph.D. in Physics (1989), both from the University of Athens, Greece. His early scientific interests included Dynamical Astronomy and Non-Linear Dynamical Systems. He has been honoured with the UNESCO’s N. Copernicus Prize 1988. He has worked as Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the University of the Aegean (1990-2000). As a member of the Hellenic Astronomical Society (Hel.A.S.) organized in Samos one of its Astronomical Meetings. He was Visiting Professor/Research Associate in various European Institutions (Spain, Poland, Switzerland and Italy) and Director of numerous international scientific projects, funded by NATO and European Union (Poland, Spain, Former Yugoslavia). Since 2000 he is working in his present position. He was elected Vice-Rector for Finance & Development and Chairman of the Research Committee of the University of the Aegean (2003-2006). From 2006 to 2010 he is the Head of the Dept. of Mediterranean Studies. He is the Director of the Postgraduate Studies and Director of the Laboratory of Mediterranean Politics. His current research interests include International Relations and Disarmament. |
Seiradakis John-Hugh |
Position: |
Faculty, University of Thessaloniki |
PhD: |
1975, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
Thesis: |
Low latitude pulsar survey at 408 MHz. |
Supervisor(s): |
Davies John |
Biography: |
Professor Emeritus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1948-2020). He was born in Chania, Crete, Greece on March 5, 1948 and passed away on May 2, 2020. He received his B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Athens, Greece (1971), his M.Sc. in Radio Astronomy from the Victoria University of Manchester, U.K. (1973) and his Ph.D. in the same field from the same University (1975). He worked in numerous Institutes and Universities: at the Max-Planck Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany (07/1975-12/1976, 02/1979–04/1979, 09/1982–04/1984 Alexander von Humboldt scholarship, 05/1984–08/1985 and 09/1991- 07/1992 on sabbatical from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), at the Universität Hamburg, Germany (02/1978–01/1979) and at the University of California, San Diego, U.S.A. (09/1979–06/1982). He joined the Dept. of Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece as an Associate Professor in July 1985 and was promoted to Professor in May 1996. He retired and became Emeritus Professor in 2015. He has served as Director of the Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, Department of Physics, University of Thessaloniki (1989-1990, 2001-2002, 2008- 2009), member of the Council of the Department of Physics and Chairman or member in several Committees at the same University. He is a founding member of the Hellenic Astronomical Society (Hel.A.S.) where he has served as Secretary (1994-1998) and as President (1998-2002). He has served as Member (1986-1990) and as Chairman (2001-2005) of the Greek National Committee for Astronomy. Since 1992 he has served as an Expert Evaluator in European and National Programme Committees and as Referee in International Journals, while he has served as a Member of the Time Allocation Committee of the 100m radio telescope of the MPIfR, Bonn, Germany at Effelsberg (1993-1997). His scientific interests include Neutron Stars (Pulsars), Neutral Hydrogen modeling in nearby galaxies, the Centre of our Galaxy, Flare Stars, Lunar Transient Phenomena and Archaeoastronomy. He has published more that 74 scientific papers in refereed journals, and more than 80 papers in conference proceedings and special volumes as well as three University-level Textbooks. He has also represented Greece in large European networks (OPTICON, ILIAS, CRAF, etc). In December 2005, the highest EU prize Descartes was awarded to the Neutron Stars research network, “PULSE”, in which he is a one of the founding members. He was member of the Hellenic Physical Society, the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), as well as a Founding Member of the European Astronomical Society.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hugh_Seiradakis |
Sergis Nikolaos |
Position: |
Postdoc, Academy of Athens |
PhD: |
2006, Dept. of Physics, University of Athens, Greece |
Thesis: |
The magnetosphere on planet Mars |
Supervisor(s): |
Moussas Xenophon |
Biography: |
Serlemitsos Peter |
Position: |
Researcher, NASA/GSFC |
PhD: |
1965, Dept. of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, USA |
Thesis: |
Low energy electrons and the magnetosphere |
Supervisor(s): |
McDonald Frank |
Biography: |
Astrophysicist (retired), NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center. He obtained his BA from the Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, (1955), his Master of Science (1964) and the Ph.D. in Physics (1966), both from the University of Maryland, College Park, MD. He has spent most of his active career in X-ray astrophysics with emphasis in the development of space-borne instrumentation. He has pioneered two types of instruments which have since been used extensively in the field: the large area multiwire gas proportional counter and lightweight conical
foil X-ray mirrors. He has been principal investigator in
several satellite missions, including NASAs Astro-1
mission, flown on the Space Shuttle in December
1990, and the US/Japan collaborative spectroscopy
missions ASCA and Astro-E (the latter in preparation).
His scientific interests include Fe K lines in the spectra
of clusters of galaxies, spectra of AGN and the search
with ASCA for hard, AGN-like nuclear sources in
nearby spiral galaxies. He has been at his present
position in the X-ray astrophysics Branch at Goddard
since joining Dr. Elihu Boldt, the founder of the group in the late 1960s. The Joseph Weber Award for 2009 was conferred on him in late January in recognition of his innovative contributions to X-ray detector and telescope designs that have enabled decades of scientific advances in high energy astrophysics. |
Sfaelos Ioannis |
Sidiras Michael |
Sinachopoulos Dimitrios |
Position: |
Researcher, National Observatory of Athens |
PhD: |
1983, Dept. of Astronomy, University of Vienna, Austria |
Thesis: |
Photometric measurements of visual double stars and calculation of the absolute brightness of the dwarf stars of the spectral type |
Supervisor(s): |
Rakos Karl |
Biography: |
Dimitris Sinachopoulos obtained his BSc in Mathematics from the University of Athens in 1975 and his PhD in Astronomy from the University of Vienna (Austria) in 1983.
From 1984 to 1988, he was Postdoctoral Researcher at Sternwarte Bonn (Observatory of the University of Bonn, Germany). From 1989 to 1992, he was TMR researcher (Marie Curie fellow) at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. During 1992-1998, he worked as researcher at the Royal Observatory of Belgium and in 2002, as guest researcher at the Institute of Astrophysics (Potsdam, Germany). Since 1990, he has been Guest Professor at the Observatoire de Bordeaux (France), South Africa University (South Africa) and Brazil University of Sao Paolo (Brazil). Since 1985, he has also been visiting observer at Chile, Canary Islands, Southern Spain, France and South Africa. He joined as a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Astronomy of the National Observatory of Athens, from where he retired in 2018. |
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