Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο 189 - Νόεμβριος 2013 |
- Short News
- The 31st General Assembly of HEL.A.S.
- The "Best PhD Thesis Prize 2015"
- Job openings at NOA
- PhD position on Massive Stars at NOA
- Job opening in Trieste (Italy)
- PhD positions in the Netherlands
- Upcoming Astronomy Meetings in Greece
- About this Newsletter
We would like to congratulate Academician Dr. Stamatios Krimigis, a member of our Society, who has been awarded the Jean Dominique Cassini Medal of the European Geosciences Union. He will receive his prize at the EGU 2014 General Assembly, which will take place in Vienna on 27 April – 02 May 2014.;
We would like to congratulate Prof. Yannis Zouganelis, a member of our Society, who has been appointed Deputy Project Scientist for the ESA Solar Orbiter mission, which is scheduled for launch in July 2017.
We would like to congratulate Dr. Dimitris Stamatellos, a member of our Society, who has recently moved to a new position (Guild Research Fellow/ Senior Lecturer) at the Jeremiah Horrocks Institute for Mathematics, Physics & Astronomy at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.
The 31st General Assembly of Hel.A.S. took place on September 10, 2013, during the 11th Conference of the Society. All members are strongly encouraged to read the minutes of the assembly, which are available online as a PDF file at the end of the web page: http://www.helas.gr/council.php.
We would like to remind the participants of the Conference that the oral and poster presentations will become available on line in the conference's web page (http://www.helas.gr/conf/2013/) on November 10. For the participants who wish to upload their poster presentation in our web site, please send your file to Dr. Anastasiadis (anastasi@noa.gr) by November 5th. All the abstracts of both the oral and poster presentations that will appear on our site will also be linked to NASA/ADS by the end of the year.
3. The "BEST PhD THESIS PRIZE 2015" |
The Governing Council of Hel.A.S. announces the "Best PhD Thesis Prize" competition for the period 2013-2015. All Ordinary and Associate Members of the Society can nominate candidates for the competition, by sending a message to the Secretary (secretary@helas.gr). The Nominees must be members of our Society who have defended successfully their PhD in the period from 1st of August 2013 until 30th of April 2015. Each nomination should be accompanied by a CV of the nominee, with a list of publications and conference presentations of the work associated with the PhD, and a 3 page (max) summary of the PhD research work. The announcement of the Award recipient will be made in late May 2015. The winner will be given an oral talk in the 12th Hel.A.S. Conference, and financial support to attend the Conference (or any other Conference in Europe). For further information, please contact the Society's Secretary Prof. Papadakis (phone: +30 2810 394213, e-mail: secretary@helas.gr).
There have been two announcements for Post-Doc positions at the National Observatory of Athens.
Applications are invited for a 2-year Postdoctoral position, combining optical instrumentation with studies of the interstellar medium (ISM). Applicants with previous experience in optical instrumentation, observing and analysis of data, and the field of evolved stars and/or supernova remnants (SNRs) are particularly encouraged to apply. The position will be funded by the “KRIPIS/PROTEAS” program of the Greek Secreteriat of Research and Technology. Submission and inquires should be addressed to Dr. P. Boumis (email: ptb@astro.noa.gr, tel.: +30 2108109162, fax: +30 2108040453).
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in infrared extragalactic astrophysics. The project aims in understanding the energy production and evolution of galaxies by characterizing the physical properties of their dust emission using and developing models of their global spectral energy distribution (SED). The duration of the position, depending on the starting date, will be up to 2-years. Applicants with previous experience in infrared astrophysics, in particular with the analysis and interpretation of Spitzer and Herschel data, as well as in dust SED modeling are particularly encouraged to apply. The position will be funded by the “KRIPIS/PROTEAS” program of the Greek Secreteriat of Research and Technology. Consideration of applications will begin on November 15th, 2013 and will continue until the position is filled. A starting date in January 2014 is anticipated. The net monthly salary is €1300. Submission and inquires should be addressed to Dr. E. Xilouris (e-mail: xilouris@noa.gr, tel.: +30 2108109129, fax: +30 2108040453).
Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD position, on characterizing massive stars in the Milky Way and in nearby galaxies at the National Observatory of Athens, Greece. Applicants with previous experience in optical and infrared photometry, spectroscopy, and the field of massive stars are particularly encouraged to apply. For more information visit: http://www.astro.noa.gr/~bonanos/Homepage/Job_Openings.html
An INFN postdoctoral fellowship is available in Trieste (Italy) (http://www.ac.infn.it/personale/theo_fellowships/). The successful candidate will join the scientific activities of INDARK (Inflation, Dark Matter and the Large Scale Structure of the Universe which is an INFN-Iniziativa Specifica/network). INDARK scientists in the Trieste area (INFN, INAF, Trieste University, SISSA) are very active in the following topics: large scale structure of the Universe, non-standard cosmological models (e.g. modified gravity, warm dark matter), neutrino cosmology, cosmic microwave background. The deadline for applications is November 15th 2013.Applicants must be non-Italian or Italian citizens that have been working abroad in the last 3 years. For any further question contact M. Viel at: viel@oats.inaf.it
The Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek (API) at the University of Amsterdam invites applications for ten or more PhD positions in Astronomy and Astrophysics. The positions are open to candidates from all countries. Positions will be available in all fields of research where the Institute is active, including exoplanets, protoplanetary disks and planet formation, massive stars and their formation, neutron stars and black holes, and cosmic explosions. Application information and a list of available projects can be found at http://www.astro.uva.nl/jobs/phd-positions-at-the-astronomical-institute-anton-pannekoek/. Applications need to be submitted on or before December 1st, 2013.
Leiden Observatory invites applications for approximately ten new PhD positions. Positions are available in all the research areas in which the Observatory is active. These include cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution, interstellar matter and star formation, stars and planetary systems, computational astrophysics, high energy astrophysics, laboratory astrophysics, astrochemistry, and instrumentation. Application forms and instructions are available at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/phd/. Complete applications received by December 15, 2013 will receive full consideration. The positions are open to candidates from all countries.
This Newsletter was sent to all members of Hel.A.S. who have e-mail access. The next edition of the Newsletter will be mailed around December 1st, 2013. Please send your announcements (e.g. appointments/departures, job openings, research opportunities, awards, conferences in Greece) or comments before November 25, 2013. If you do not wish to receive future issues of this Newsletter or the e-mail address to which it was sent is not your preferred one, please inform the Secretary of Hel.A.S.