Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο 238 - Δεκέμβριος 2017

  1. Short News
  2. Two European Research Council grants in Astronomy & Astrophysics in Greece
  3. Two Positions in Theoretical Astrophysics at the University of Crete
  4. Ten Temporary Positions at the National Observatory of Athens
  5. New Call for Proposals by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation
  6. Submission of a Draft Law for the Establishment of the Hellenic Space Agency
  7. Reminder: Submission of Candidacies for IAU Individual and Junior Members
  8. Student and Postdoctoral Research Opportunities Abroad
  9. Upcoming Astronomy Meetings in Greece
  10. About this Newsletter
1. Short News

The Society would like to congratulate Junior Member Georgios Dimitriadis for successfully completing his PhD Thesis at the University of Southampton, UK. His Thesis pertained to optical light curves and spectra of Supernovae Type Ia and was implemented under the supervision of Prof. Mark Sullivan. Dr. Dimitriadis has recently moved to the University of California Santa Cruz, USA, as a postdoctoral researcher. The Society extends its best wishes to Dr. Dimitriadis for further successes in his professional pursuits.

The Society would like to congratulate Ordinary Member Athanasios Papaioannou for his recent election as an Associate Researcher at the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens. The position description pertains to the field of "Heliophysics, with Emphasis in the Study of Sun and Geospace". The Society extends its best wishes to Dr. Papaioannou for further successes and productivity in his professional endeavors.

The Society would like to remind its Junior Members of the upcoming December 15, 2017 deadline for travel grants, intended for PhD Thesis-related trips during the first half of 2018. Applications should make clear that the proposed travel is deemed paramount for the completion of a candidate's PhD Thesis. More information and the grant application form can be found here

2. Two European Research Council grants in Astronomy & Astrophysics in Greece
In its regular update of November 28, 2017, the European Research Council (ERC) announced the funding of 329 Consolidator Grants to top European Researchers (more information here). The Society was delighted to be informed that the list of 15 ERC researchers awarded in the general area of Astronomy and Astrophysics includes two of its Ordinary Members. In particular, Dr. Alceste Bonanos of the National Observatory of Athens was awarded for her proposal, entitled "Episodic Mass Loss in the Most Active Stars: Key to Understanding the Explosive Early Universe", while Prof. Konstantinos Tassis of the University of Crete was awarded for his proposal, entitled "Overcoming the Dominant Foreground of Inflationary B-Modes: Tomography of Galactic Magnetic Dust via Measurements of Starlight Polarization".

The Society wishes to underline that this success far outperforms the statistics of the 1% contribution of the Greek GDP to the GDP of the European Union. This is viewed as a testament that professional Astronomy and Astrophysics in Greece, proudly represented by the Society, features excellence that is recognized at highest European levels.

The Society wholeheartedly congratulates Drs. Bonanos and Tassis for their outstanding work and success, wishes a prolific project implementation to both and expresses its best wishes to them for further productivity and success in their future endeavors and pursuits.
3. Two Positions in Theoretical Astrophysics at the University of Crete
Two promotion-related positions in the field of Theoretical Astrophysics at Associate Professor level have been opened at the Department of Physics of the University of Crete. Any community member fulfilling the technical and legal requirements for these positions is eligible to apply. The deadline of applications is January 30, 2018. More information about the positions and the application process can be found here.
4. Ten Temporary Positions at the National Observatory of Athens
The framework research project Proteas II, entitled "Advanced Space Applications for the Exploration of the Universe, Space Environment and Earth" has enabled the National Observatory of Athens to open ten (10) temporary positions in various topics pertinent to the project.  Qualifications of eligible applicants range between a University degree (3 positions), a graduate (Masters or similar) degree (5 positions) and a PhD degree (2 positions). The deadline for applications is December 12, 2017 while the estimated start of the positions is January 1, 2018. More information about this opportunity can be found here.
5. New Call for Proposals by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation
The Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) announced on December 1, 2017, its first Call for Proposals intended to support fundamental research activities by Faculty and Staff members of Greek Universities and Research Centers. The Call also welcomes proposals for the procurement of high-value equipment that is deemed necessary for the successful implementation of these activities. The total budget allocated for successful proposals is 53 MEUR, while the submission deadline expires at 23:59 on January 16, 2018. Detailed information and documentation about this Call can be found here.
6. Submission of a Draft Law for the Establishment of the Hellenic Space Agency
On November 30, 2017, the Ministry of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media submitted to the Hellenic Parliament a draft law entitled "Licensing of Space Activities - Entry in the National Registry for Space Objects - Establishment of the Hellenic Space Agency and Related Regulations" for approval by a parliamentary majority. Among other provisions, the draft law foresees the establishment of the Hellenic Space Agency (Ελληνικός Διαστημικός Οργανισμός [ΕΛΔΟ], in Greek) that will aim to regulate scientific, technical, commercial and entrepreneurial activities with a relevance to space exploitation that feature participation by Greek entities at any level.

The development marks an important milestone in the emerging national space policy. It should be noted that Greece is among the few European nations that have not yet established a space agency or organization, twelve years after the country's full admission into the European Space Agency (ESA). Detailed information about the draft law and its provisions and enclosures can be found here.

The Society will continue to inform its members as further developments unfold.
7. Reminder: Submission of Candidacies for IAU Individual and Junior Members
Society members who are not members of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and wish to join, either as Individual Members or, for the first time, as Junior Members, are reminded to submit their candidacy to the National Committee for Astronomy (NCA) President, Prof. Nikolaos Kylafis. Prospective members are strongly advised to first read the instructions of the NCA and then complete the relevant form, available in both PDF and Microsoft Word.

Members must complete, print and sign the completed candidacy form, to be submitted to the NCA President by ordinary mail, to the address included in the instructions. The submission deadline is February 2, 2018.
8. Student and Postdoctoral Research Opportunities Abroad
The list below may be refreshed or updated with further established lists:
  • AAS Pre-Doctoral / Graduate positions here.
  • AAS PostDoctoral Positions and Fellowships here.
  • EAS Job Directory (choose "PhD positions" or "Academic jobs" accordingly) here.
  • EAS School Directory here.
  • IAU Careers in Astronomy here.
  • Careers and research fellowship opportunities at ESA here.
  • Careers at NASA here.
  • ESO Recruitment Portal here.
  • CERN opportunities for students here.
  • CERN opportunities for graduates here.
  • Graduate programs at Chilean Universities here.
Any Member of the Society who wishes to contribute another credible link with opportunities, or individual opportunities that will, however, shown in a single-liner format as above, is encouraged to contact the Secretary of the Society.
9. Upcoming Astronomy Meetings in Greece
10. About this Newsletter

This Newsletter was sent to all members of Hel.A.S. who have e-mail access. The next edition of the Newsletter will be mailed around January 1, 2018.  Please send your announcements (e.g., appointments / departures, job openings, research opportunities, awards, conferences in Greece) or comments before December 24, 2017. If you do not wish to receive future issues of this Newsletter or the e-mail address to which it was sent is not your preferred one, please inform the Secretary of Hel.A.S. at secretary@helas.gr.


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