Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο 51 - Μάιος 2002


                           ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER
             NUMBER 51                               May 2002

  E-mail: elaset@astro.auth.gr      WWW: http://www.astro.auth.gr/elaset


  1. Short news
  2. Forthcoming elections of Hel.A.S.
  3. Candidate profiles
  4. Members in new positions
  5. Job oppenings
  6. ASTROVITEL: Third Call for Proposals
  7. Upcoming Astronomy meetings in Greece
  8. About this newsletter...



    We would like to congratulate Dr. Eleni Dara and Dr. Theodossios
  Zachariadis, as both were recently promoted to the position of
  "Researcher A" in the Research Center for Astronomy and Applied
  Mathematics of the Academy of Athens.

    The postal code of all Hel.A.S. members at the Univ. of Thessaloniki
  has changed from "GR-540 06" to "GR-541 24".

    The phone numbers of at the National Observatory of Athens have
  recently changed. We would greatly appreciate if all Hel.A.S. members
  who work at the Observatory confirm that their updated records in
  the online directory are correct.


    Please note the following deadlines for the forthcoming elections
  of our Society.

     - April 10, 2002:
	The Council distributed the ballots along with instructions on
	the voting procedures, agenda times, and various annoucements
        to all Ordinary and Junior members. (Check your mailboxes...)

     - June 17, 2002:
	The ballots of members who would like to vote by ordinary mail
        must have been received by the Secretary of Hel.A.S.

     - June 18, 2002:
	General Assembly of Hel.A.S. at 12.30 pm in the conference Hall
	of the Section of Astrophysics Astronomy and Mechanics of the
	University of Athens, located in Panepistimioulis (Zografos)

    According to article 32 of the constitution of Hel.A.S., a member
  must have payed his/her annual membership fees in order to be eligible
  to vote.

    All members are strongly encouraged to attend the General Assembly.
  Members who will not be able to be in Athens on June 18 can still
  vote by ordinary mail. Note, however, that the ballots must reach the
  Secretary, Prof. H. Varvoglis, before June 17th, 2002.


    In the following we present in alphabetical order some minimal
  information on the background of the candidates of our elections. Some
  candidates have personal web pages listed in the online directory
  of Hel.A.S., the URLs of which are also included here.

   - Candidate for President:

   o Laskarides  Pavlos
     Position: Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens
     Degrees: B.Sc. in Physics Univ. of Athens, 1964
              Ph.D. in Astrophysics, Univ. of Victoria, BC, Canada, 1971
     Web page: Not available

   - Candidates for the Governing Council:

   o Antonopoulou Evgenia
     Position: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens
     Degrees: B.Sc. in Physics, Univ. of Athens, 1972
              Ph.D. in Astronomy, Univ. of Edinburgh, U.K., 1981
     Web page: Not available

   o Theodosiou Efstratios
     Position: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens
     Degrees: B.Sc. in Physics, Univ. of Thessaloniki, 1974
              Ph.D. in Physics, Univ. of Athens, 1983
     Web page: Not available

   o Mathioudakis Mihalis (*)
     Position: Lecturer, Dept. of Physics, Queens Univ. of Belfast, UK
     Degrees: B.Sc. in Physics, Univ. of Thessaloniki, 1988
              Ph.D. in Astronomy,  Queens Univ. of Belfast, UK, 1992
     Web page: http://star.pst.qub.ac.uk/bios/mm.html
     (*) Dr. Mathioudakis has been elected as an Assistant Professor at
         the Dept. of Physics of the Univ. of Thessaloniki and he will
         be moving there shortly.

   o Moussas Xenophon
     Position: Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens
     Degrees: B.Sc. in Physics, Univ. of Athens, 1971
              Ph.D. in Physics, Univ. of Athens, 1977
     Web page: Not available

   o Plionis Manolis
     Position: Researcher C, National Observatory of Athens
     Degrees: B.Sc. in Mathematics, Univ. of Crete, 1983
              Ph.D. in Astrophysics, Univ. of Sussex, U.K., 1989
     Web page: http://www.astro.noa.gr/~mplionis

   o Tsinganos Kanaris
     Position: Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens
     Degrees: B.Sc. in Physics, Univ. of Thessaloniki, 1974
              M.Sc. in Physics, Univ. of Chicago, USA, 1976
              Ph.D. in Physics, Univ. of Chicago, USA, 1980
     Web page: http://www.physics.uoc.gr/~tsingan/

   o Hatzidimitriou Despina
     Position: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Crete
     Degrees: B.Sc. in Physics, Univ. of Athens, 1984
              Ph.D. in Astronomy, Univ. of Edinburgh, U.K., 1989
     Web page: http://www.physics.uoc.gr/2000/prosop/cv/xatzidimi.htm

   - Candidates for an Auditor:

   o Grammenos Theofanis
     Position: Executive Staff, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens
     Degrees: B.Sc. in Physics, Univ. of Hannover, 1985
              Ph.D. in Physics, Univ. of Athens, 1994
     Web page: Not available

   o Danezis Manos
     Position: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens
     Degrees: B.Sc. in Physics, Univ. of Athens, 1974
              Ph.D. in Physics, Univ. of Athens, 1984
     Web page: Not available

   o Papadopoulos Dimitrios
     Position: Associate Professor, Dept. of Physics,
               Univ. of Thessaloniki
     Degrees: B.Sc. in Mathematics, Univ. of Thessaloniki, 1970
              Ph.D. in Physics, Univ. of Thessaloniki, 1981
     Web page: http://www.astro.auth.gr/~papadop


    Dr. Markos Georganopoulos moved from the Max Planck Institute fuer
  Kernphysik in Heidelberg (Germany), to work as National Reseearch
  Council (NRC) postdoc with Dr. Demos Kazanas at the NASA Goddard Space
  Flight Center in Greenbelt MD, (USA).


    A position at the level of the "Assistant Professor" in the area of
 "Observational Astrophysics" has opened in the Section of Astrophysics
  and Space Physics of the Department of Physics at the Univ. of Crete.
  This opening is to fill a vacancy due to a recent tenured faculty
  move. The application deadline is 20th May 2002.
    For more information on the application material you may contact
  the Secreteriat of the Deparment at +30 810 394308.


    The ASTROVIRTEL Project, supported by the European Commission and
  managed by the ST-ECF on behalf of ESA and ESO, is aimed at enhancing
  the scientific return of the ST-ECF/ESO Archive. It offers the
  possibility to European Users to exploit it as a virtual telescope,
  retrieving and analysing large quantities of data with the assistance
  of archive operators and scientific personnel.

    Detailed instructions for the submission of proposals can be found at

    The deadline for submission is June 17th, 2002.


    The following meetings will take place in Greece in the coming
  months. Please check the corresponding web pages or contact the
  organizers by e-mail for more information.


                   10th Hellenic Relativity Conference
                    Thessaloniki, 30 May - 2 June 2002

                               or contact:
                   Dr. K. Kokkotas (kokkotas@astro.auth.gr)


              The 3rd Workshop on Compact Steep Spectrum and
                     GHz-Peaked Spectrum Radio Sources
                    Kerastari, Tripolis, 28-31 May 2002

                               or contact:
                 Dr. T. Tzioumis (gpscss3@atnf.csiro.au)


                   Euroconference/IAU Colloquium 188 on
                 Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere
                        Santorini, 11-15 June 2002

                               or contact:
                Dr. Georgia Tsiropoula (georgia@space.noa.gr)
                  Dr. Udo Schuehle (schuehle@linmpi.mpg.de)


                         International Workshop on
                Galaxies and Chaos: Theory and Observations
                          Athens, 16-19 September 2002

                               or contact:
                     Prof. N. Voglis (nvogl@cc.uoa.gr)


                         Multi-Wavelength Cosmology
                       Myconos Island, 16-20 June 2003

                            For details contact:



    This Newsletter was edited by Harry Varvoglis and Vassilis
  Charmandaris. It was forwarded to the 222, out of the 239 members of
  Hel.A.S., who have e-mail access.

    The next edition of the Newsletter will be mailed around June 1st
  2002. Please send your announcements (e.g. appointments/departures,
  job openings, research opportunities, awards, conferences in Greece)
  or comments before May 25, 2002. All correspondence concerning
  the Newsletter should be addressed to:


    If you do not wish to receive future issues of this Newsletter or the
  e-mail address to which it was sent is not your preferred one, please
  let us know.



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