Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο 52 - Ιούνιος 2002


                           ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER
             NUMBER 52                               June 2002

  E-mail: elaset@astro.auth.gr      WWW: http://www.astro.auth.gr/elaset


  1. Short news
  2. Forthcoming elections of Hel.A.S.
  3. Members in new positions
  4. Upcoming Astronomy meetings in Greece
  5. About this newsletter...



    We would like to congratulate Dr. Vicky Kalogera, an assistant
  professor at the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy of Northwestern
  University, USA, as she has been awarded the 2002 Annie J. Cannon
  Award in Astronomy by the American Astronomical Society and the
  American Association of University Women. This prestigious award is
  given annually to a woman for "distinguished contributions to
  astronomy or for similar contributions in related sciences which
  have immediate application to astronomy."
    Prof. Kalogera, who is a theorist working on various problems
  related to compact objects in X-ray and gravitational-wave
  astrophysics, obtained her PhD from the University of Illinois at
  Urbana-Champaign (USA) with Prof. R.F. Webbink, after completing her
  undergraduate studies at the Univ. of Thessaloniki, where she worked
  with Prof. J.H. Seiradakis. She moved to Northwestern Univ. in
  Summer 2001, after spending 4 years as a postdoctoral fellow at the
  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (USA).

    We would like to congratulate Dr. Nikos Prantzos (Institut
  d'Astrophysique de Paris) for the recent release in Greek of his
  popularization book concerning man's future in the Universe. The
  original version of the book appeared in 1998 in French (under the
  title "Voyages dans le futur") and it was awarded the 1998 "Prix
  Jean Rostand" in France. This award is presented annually for a book
  which is written in French and makes an important science and/or
  technology topic accessible to the general public. The title of the
  book in Greek is "I Peripeteia tou Mellontos" and is published by
  Ekdoseis DROMEAS.


    Please note the following deadlines for the forthcoming elections
  of our Society.

     - June 17, 2002:
	The ballots of members who would like to vote by ordinary mail
        must have been received by the Secretary of Hel.A.S.

     - June 18, 2002:
	General Assembly of Hel.A.S. at 1.30 pm in the conference Hall
	of the Section of Astrophysics Astronomy and Mechanics of the
	University of Athens, located in Panepistimioulis (Zografos)
        According to article 32 of the constitution of Hel.A.S., a member must
        have paid his/her annual membership fees in order to be eligible
        to vote.
       Prior to the Assembly, at noon, Dr. Kostas Kokkotas (University of
        Thessaloniki) will speak on "Gravitational Waves: a new window to the
        Universe". You are invited to attend.


    Dr. Kostas Tziotziou moved from the Observatoire de Paris (France)
  to a research associate position at the Institute for Space
  Applications and Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of

    Dr. Panagiota Petkaki moved from Imperial College (U.K.) to a
  Research Scientist position at the Physical Science Division of the
  British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge (U.K.).


    The following meetings will take place in Greece in the coming
  months. Please check the corresponding web pages or contact the
  organizers by e-mail for more information.


                   Euroconference/IAU Colloquium 188 on
                 Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere
                        Santorini, 11-15 June 2002

                               or contact:
                Dr. Georgia Tsiropoula (georgia@space.noa.gr)
                  Dr. Udo Schuehle (schuehle@linmpi.mpg.de)


                 International Conference on Radio Pulsars
                       Chania, Crete, 26-29 August 2002



                         International Workshop on
                Galaxies and Chaos: Theory and Observations
                          Athens, 16-19 September 2002

                               or contact:
                     Prof. N. Voglis (nvogl@cc.uoa.gr)


                         Multi-Wavelength Cosmology
                       Myconos Island, 16-20 June 2003

                            For details contact:



    This Newsletter was the last one edited by Harry Varvoglis and
  Vassilis Charmandaris. It was forwarded to the 222, out of the 239
  members of Hel.A.S., who have e-mail access. H. Varvoglis would like to thank
  all members of Hel.A.S. who helped  him by providing crucial information for
  the Greek astronomical community and, in particular, Dr. V. Charmandaris
  for his invaluable help in the editorial work.

    The next edition of the Newsletter will be mailed around July 1st 2002 by
  the new Secretary of Hel.A.S. Please send your announcements (e.g.
  appointments/departures, job openings, research opportunities, awards,
  conferences in Greece) or comments before June 25, 2002. All correspondence
  concerning  the Newsletter should be addressed to:


    If you do not wish to receive future issues of this Newsletter or the
  e-mail address to which it was sent is not your preferred one, please
  let us know.


                         ELECTRONIC  NEWSLETTER

                      June 17, 2002 (Extra issue)

  E-mail: elaset@astro.auth.gr      WWW: http://www.astro.auth.gr/elaset

   The Council would like to remind the members of Hel.A.S.  that the
  General Assembly and the elections of our Society will take place on

                 Tuesday, June 18 2000, 12:00 noon
                      at the Seminars' room
          Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics
                        University of Athens

   In view of the general strike announced recently in Greece by both
  GESEE (private domain) and ADEDY (public domain), it is possible
  that public means of transportation will run under a minimum

    Besides the importance of elections, the Council of Hel.A.S. would
  like to draw your attention to two items that would like to propose
  during the General Assembly, which would require your presence:

  (a) Some basic changes in our Constitution:

    (i) The addition of an explicit statement that the Board of Examiners
  is a 3-member body.

   (ii) The change in the time of our elections. Under the proposed
  change, our elections should start immediately after the General
  Assembly and finish 4 hours later. At present, our Constitution
  states that they start 4 hours before sunset and end by sunset. In
  the summer sunset could be very late (passed 21:00 hours), which
  means that the Elections' Supervisory Committee is obliged to stay by
  the ballots for several (idle) hours!

    (b) By unanimous vote, the Council shall propose to the G.A. of
  EL.AS.ET. that Academician George Contopoulos becomes the first Honorary
  President of our Society.

  The above items were discussed during the last Council's meeting on June
  10, 2002. They were in the agenda of a Council meeting in late April,
  which was postponed due to the "Koxaki virus alert" issued by the Government.

   The Council of Hel.A.S. takes the opportunity to wish you a
  pleasant summer.



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