Κατάλογος Ελλήνων Διδακτόρων Αστρονομίας |
Αναγνωστόπουλος Γεώργιος |
Θέση: |
Καθηγητής ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ, Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης |
PhD: |
1985, Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών & Μηχανικών Η/Υ, Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης, Ελλάδα |
Τίτλος: |
Προέλευση ενεργειακών ιόντων (Ε>=30 keV) στην περιοχή του μαγνητοϋδροδυναμικού κρουστικού κύματος της Γης |
Supervisor(s): |
Σαρρής Εμμανουήλ |
Βιογραφικό: |
Professor at the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Polytechnic School, Demokritos
University of Thrace, (since 1999) and Priest in the
Orthodox Church of Greece (Metropolis of Xanthi). He was
born in Athens, Greece, on the 14th of May, 1954. He
obtained the B.Sc. degree in Physics (University of Athens,
1977), a degree in Theology (University of Thessaloniki,
1993) and a Ph.D. in Space Physics (Demokritos University
of Thrace, 1985). His scientific interests include Space
Physics, and Philosophy of Sciences and Environment. He
has published more than 40 papers in refereed scientific journals, more than 20 papers in conference proceedings and he has made more than 160 presentations, most of them included in conferense abstrack books. For scientific collaboration, he has visited Imperial College, Johns Hopkins University, Russian Academy and other institutions. He has been named as “Distinguished Ulysses Scientist” (NASA JPL report 400-1133 01/04 “The people behind the Mission”). In 2004, he has been approved as a guest investigator in DEMETER mission (Detection of ElectroMagnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions) and since then he combined space research with earthquake prediction research (Van Allen belt electron precipitation preceding earthquakes). He is a member of the American Geophysical Society (A.G.U.), of the Hellenic Astronomical Society (Hel.A.S.), of the Union of Greek Physicists and of the Hellenic Union of Theologians. |
Αναστασιάδης Αναστάσιος |
Θέση: |
Ερευνητής, Εθνικό Αστεροσκοπείο Αθηνών |
PhD: |
1994, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Ελλάδα |
Τίτλος: |
Επιτάχυνση φορτίων από τυχαίως κινούμενα κρουστικά κύματα |
Supervisor(s): |
Βλάχος Λουκάς |
Βιογραφικό: |
Anastasios Anastasiadis obtained his BSc in Physics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 1986 and his PhD in Astrophysics from the same University in 1994.
He was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik (MPE) in Germany (1991-1992) and worked as a Research Assistant at the Section of Astrophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics, Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1995-1998). He joined the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) in September 1998 as an Associate Researcher. In January 2002 he was promoted to Senior Researcher. He is currently Research Director, at the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens (since December 2007) and member of the Space Research & Technology Group |
Αναστασίου Μαγδαληνή |
Αναστασοπούλου Κωνσταντίνα |
Ανδρεδάκης Ιώαννης |
Ανδριοπούλου Μαρία |
Αντίοχος Σπύρος |
Θέση: |
Ερευνητής, NASA/GSFC |
PhD: |
1977, Dept. of Physics, Stanford University, ΗΠΑ |
Τίτλος: |
Thermal instability in post-flare plasmas |
Supervisor(s): |
Sturrock Peter |
Βιογραφικό: |
Astrophysicist NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
U.S.A. He was born in the island of Zakynthos, Greece
on the 29th of October, 1949. He obtained his B.Sc. in
Physics (Honors) from the McGill University (1970) and
the Ph.D. in Applied Physics from the Stanford
University (1976). He worked as Skylab Postdoctoral
Fellow at the National Center for Atmospheric
Research (10/1976 - 05/1978), as Research Associate
at the Institute for Plasma Research, Stanford
University (05/1978 - 04/1980), as Senior Research
Associate at the Center for Space Science and
Astrophysics, Stanford University (04/1980 -
06/1985),as Astrophysicist at the Space Science
Division, Naval Research Laboratory (06/1985 - 12/2007), as Adjunct Professor at the Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, University of Michigan (01/2003 - present) and as Astrophysicist, at the Heliophysics Division, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (01/2008 – present). His scientific interests include Solar physics and Plasma physics. He has over 150 publications in the refereed archival literature and over 3,000 citations. He is a member of the American Geophysical Union, the American Astronomical Society, the American Physical Society, and the International Astronomical Union. He was associate editor of JGR- Space Physics. He has served on many committees of professional societies and on advisory/review committees to NASA and the NSF, including Chair of the Solar Physics Division (SPD) of the American Astronomical Society, Chair of the NASA Solar Management and Operations Working Group, Chair of the SOLAR-B Science Working Group, Chair of the NSF committee that reviewed the High Altitude Observatory, Chair of the AURA committee that reviewed the director of the National Solar Observatory, and Chair (two terms) of the Targeted Research and Technology (TR&T) Steering Committee. He has served on the Space Studies Board of the National Research Council, on the Joint Science Definition Team for the NASA/ESA Orbiter/Sentinels mission, and on the Board of Advisors for the New Jersey Institute of Technology Center for Solar-Terrestrial Research. For his pioneering science contributions to solar physics, he was awarded the George Ellery Hale Prize in 2005, the highest honor given by the American Astronomical Society for work in solar physics. He was elected Fellow of the American Geophysical Union in 2005 and he was awarded the E. O. Hulburt award in 2006 by the Naval Research Laboratory, the highest honor given by the Laboratory for basic research. He was elected Honorary Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society in 2007 and Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2008.
https://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sed/bio/spiro.antiochos |
Αντωνακόπουλος Γρηγόριος |
Θέση: |
Καθηγητής ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών |
PhD: |
1965, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Ελλάδα |
Τίτλος: |
Μελέτη του "περιορισμένου" προβλήματος των 3-σωμάτων εντός ανθισταμένου μέσου και εφαρμογή αυτού εις την μορφολογικήν εξέλιξιν του ηλιακού συστήματος |
Supervisor(s): |
Κοντόπουλος Γεώργιος |
Βιογραφικό: |
Emeritus Professor of Astronomy, University of Patras, Greece. He was born in Pyrgos, Ilias, Greece, on the 10th of December, 1934. He received his B.Sc. in Mathematics from the University of Athens, Greece (1959) and his Ph.D. in Astronomy from the same University (1965). He worked as Assistant and Head Assistant at the University of Athens before moving as Researcher at the Astronomical Institute (now Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics) of the National Observatory of Athens. He moved as an Assistant Professor at the University of Patras, where he later became Professor of Astronomy. His scientific interests included Celestial Mechanics and Theoretical Astrophysics and he has published several papers and textbooks. He is a member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and he has been founding member of the Hellenic Astronomical Society (Hel.A.S.). |
Αντωνιάδης Ιωάννης |
Αντωνιάδου Κυριακή |
Αντωνίου Αντώνιος |
Θέση: |
Καθηγητής Δευτεροβάθμιας, Πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου |
PhD: |
2007, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Ελλάδα |
Τίτλος: |
Φαινόμενα υπεριονισμού στις στεμματικές και μεταστεμματικές περιοχές αστέρων φασματικού τύπου Oe |
Supervisor(s): |
Δανέζης Εμμανουήλ |
Βιογραφικό: |
Αντωνίου Ιωάννης |
Αντωνίου Βάλλια |
Αντωνοπούλου Ευγενία |
Θέση: |
Καθηγητής ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ, Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών |
PhD: |
1981, School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο |
Τίτλος: |
Binary systems in the infrared |
Supervisor(s): |
Williams Peredur - Emerson David |
Βιογραφικό: |
Assistant Professor (retired) Dept. of Physics Univ. of Athens. She was born in Pyrgos, Ilias, Greece. She received her B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Athens, Greece (1972), the M.Sc. in Meteorology from the same Department (1974) and the Ph.D. in Astrophysics from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. (1981). She has worked at first for a year as a high school teacher of Physics and since 1973 she belongs to the staff of the Department of Physics of the University of Athens as a Teaching Assistant at the Laboratory of Astronomy (1973-1982) and as a Lecturer (1982-1986). Her scientific interests include Observational Astrophysics; Ground based and satellite photometry and Spectroscopy of Binary systems and the Sun. |
Αντωνοπούλου Δανάη |
Αποστολάτος Θεοχάρης |
Αποστολόπουλος Παντελής |
Θέση: |
Ιδιωτικός Τομέας |
PhD: |
2003, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Ελλάδα |
Τίτλος: |
Συμμετρίες ανώτερης τάξης στη Θεωρία της Γενικής Σχετικότητας |
Supervisor(s): |
Τσαμπαρλής Μιχαήλ |
Βιογραφικό: |
Αργυράκος Ιωάννης |
Θέση: |
Καθηγητής ΑΕΙ/ΤΕΙ, Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο |
PhD: |
1945, Τμήμα Φυσικής, Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Ελλάδα |
Τίτλος: |
Μελέτη της πορείας του εκκρεμούς Fenon 55 του Εθνικού Αστεροσκοπείου Αθηνών |
Supervisor(s): |
Πλακίδης Σταύρος |
Βιογραφικό: |
He was born in Athens in 1916 and passed away in 1990. He obtained his BSc in Mathematics and his PhD in Astronomy (under the supervision of Prof. Plakidis) from the Univ. of Athens. After his PhD spent time as a postdoctoral researcher in France. He was assistant at the docent at the astronomy laboratory of the the Univ. of Athens (1941-1948). In 1949 he was elected extra-ordinary professor and in 1961 Full Professor at the National Technical Univ. of Athens in the Chair of General Astronomy and Geodesy. He served as alternate minister of transport and telecommunications in 1974. |
Αργυρίου Ιωάννης |
Αρκά Ιωάννα |
Θέση: |
Ιδιωτικός Τομέας |
PhD: |
2011, Dept. of Physics, University of Heidelberg, Γερμανία |
Τίτλος: |
Non-linear waves in the laboratory and in astrophysics |
Supervisor(s): |
Kirk John |
Βιογραφικό: |
http://www.ioanna-arka.de/ |
Σελίδα: 2 από 3 |