Conference Oral Presentations
The oral presentations will be available after the conference, as PDF files
- Session 1: Heliophysics and the Solar System
Dr. Volker Bothmer, University of Goettingen, Germany
"Heliophysics and Space Weather – Challenges and Perspectives" - Session 2: Extragalactic Astronomy and Astrophysics
Prof. Andreas Burkert , Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
"The dynamics of high-redshift star-forming galaxies, driven by disk instabilities" - Session 3: Cosmology and Relativistic Astrophysics
Prof. Joan Sola, University of Barcelona, Spain
"Is the 100 years old cosmological constant in Einstein's equations really constant? Maybe not!"
- Session 4: Stars, Planets and the Interstellar Medium
Dr. Iason Spyromilio, ESO, Germany
"Supernova 1987A at 30"
"Best PhD" Talks
- I. Liodakis: Scale invariant jets: from blazars to microquasars
- A. Nathanail The magnetic field structure in the vicinity of a black hole
SESSION 1: Heliophysics and the Solar System (Convenors: G. Tsiropoula and O. Malandraki)
- D. Jess (Invited): Current overarching science questions in solar physics and challenges from the future ground-based telescopes
- Al. Nindos: Center-to-limb Observations of the Sun with ALMA
- G. Tsiropoula: Analysis of multi-wavelength observations of persistent and spatially-extended quiet Sun vortex
- M. Georgoulis: Linking Solar Eruptions with Fundamental Physical Parameters at the Solar Atmospheric Base
- G. Chintzoglou: Elucidating the Role of Magnetic Cancellation in Triggering Energetic Solar Eruption
- L. Vlahos: Particle acceleration and heating in turbulent reconnecting astrophysical plasmas
- I. Kontogiannis: Non-neutralized currents and flaring activity in solar active regions
- V. Archontis: Solar bombs in the cool solar atmosphere
- S. Patsourakos (Invited): Observations of Coronal Mass Ejections
- K. Moraitis: Calculating relative magnetic helicity in spherical wedge volumes
- P. Syntelis: The process of magnetic flux emergence as a major driver for solar jets and eruptions.
- K. Florios: Forecasting solar flares using magnetogram-based predictors and machine learning
- An. Anastasiadis: Foretelling Flares and Solar Energetic Particle Events
- P. Zucca (Invited): Energetic particles from the Sun
- O. Malandraki: Solar Particle Radiation Storms Forecasting and Analysis
- K. Dialynas: Voyager and Cassini measurements suggest a bubble-like shape for the global heliosphere
- G. Balasis: Statistics of Pc3 waves and plasma instabilities observed by Swarm satellites in low-Earth orbit
- G. Anagnostopoulos: New space application to the earthquake prediction research
- M. Xilouris: The NEO Lunar Impact Monitoring Project NELIOTA
- Al. Liakos: First lunar impact flash results from NELIOTA
- M.A. Barucci: Ice spots on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as observed by Rosetta missionA. Coustenis (Invited)
- K. Tsiganis: New models of asteroid belt formation
- A. Toliou: Constraining the magnitude and timing of the giant planet instability from the perspective of the asteroid belt
- G. Tsirvoulis: Reconstructing the size distribution of the primordial Main Belt
- D. Skoulidou: Dynamical study of the near-Earth space environment for passive debris removal
- A. Rosengren: Killing satellites with resonances
SESSION 2: Extragalactic Astronomy and Astrophysics (Convenors: V Pavlidou and P. Patsis)
- N. Vlahakis (Invited): Astrophysical jet dynamics
- K. Gourgouliatos: 3-D Simulations of FR-I Jets
- D. Blinov: Connection between optical polarization plane rotations and gamma-ray flares in blazars
- E. Kalafountzou : A benchmark study of AGN
- D. Giannios: Star-disk interactions in the Galactic center
- A. Mastichiadis: On the flaring gamma-ray activity of quasar 3c279
- M. Charisi: Quasars with periodic variability as milliparsec supermassive black hole binary candidates
- T. Naab (Invited): Theoretical challenges in galaxy formation
- G. L. Granato: Hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters including the evolution of dust
- A. Maragkoudakis: The sub-galactic and nuclear main sequences for local star-forming galaxies
- K. Kolokythas: Radio properties and feedback implications of brightest group galaxies in the Local Universe
- M. Kopsacheili: Detection of extragalactic Supernova Remnants
- A. Mesinger (invited): Illuminating the Cosmic Dawn
- A. Zezas: The hard X-ray view of galaxies
- K. Kouroumpatzakis: The Star Formation Reference Survey Ha emission line campaign
- K. Anastasopoulou: Studying the ULX population of the X-ray starburst galaxies NGC 3310 and NGC 2276
- K. Dasyra: Consequences of the detection of optically thin and highly excited CO in the wind of the radio galaxy IC5063
- P. Patsis: Gaseous flows and star-forming dynamical mechanisms in the spiral arms of barred-spirals
- A. Katsianis: The evolution of the star formation rates of z ~ 0-8 galaxies
- P. Bonfini: Studying galaxy stellar cores to constrain the co-evolution of early-type galaxies and their host super-massive black holes
- G. Vasilopoulos: Spectral and temporal properties of BeXRB pulsars during supper-Eddington outbursts
- G. Leloudas: The nature of the extremely bright nuclear transient ASASSN-15lh
- P. Sell: The Classification and Analysis of Distinct X-ray Binary Populations in M81
- I. Georgantopoulos: The most obscure AGN at low and high redshift
- E. Pouliasis: Active Galactic Nuclei selected by optical variability in the GOODS South field
- V. Charmandaris: The physical properties of galaxies with Spitzer/IRS spectra
- M. Xilouris: DustPedia
- S. Lianou: Hierarchical Bayesian modelling of 900 DustPEDIA Galaxies
- A. Psychogyios: Multi-wavelength structure analysis of galaxies in the WINGs
- G. Magdis: Exploring scaling relations between gas and dust across cosmic time
- T. Bitsakis: Star cluster formation history in the Large Magellanic Cloud
- V. A. Masoura: Using Machine Learning Techiques to estimate photometric redshifts for X-ray sources
- E. Paraskeva: High-cadence photometry of bright Type Ia Supernovae with the 2.3m Aristarchos telescope
- D. Kantzas: Temporal evolution of high energy radiation in Type IIn Supernovae
- F. Koliopanos: ULX spectra revisited
- K. Kovlakas: Ultra-Luminous X-ray sources in Chandra Source Catalog 2.0 and a master catalog of nearby galaxies
- P. Bonfini: Mass characterization of star-forming galaxies in the local Universe
SESSION 3: Cosmology and Relativistic Astrophysics (Convenors: N. Stergioulas and S. Basilakos)
- M. Plionis (Invited): Using HII galaxies as a tracer of the high-z Hubble expansion
- V. Pavlidou: Where the world stands still: cosmology at turnaround scales
- M. Chira: Environmental Dependence of the Abundance function of Dark Matter Halos
- K. Tanidis: Indications for Anisotropy of the Hubble flow
- D. Tseneklidou: Relativistic magnetised cosmological perturbations in the post-recombination era
- D. Papadopoulos: Rayleigh-Taylor instability limits on the magnetic flux in astrophysical black holes
- A. Manusakis: Relativistic hydrodynamical tori: QPO & PPI
- A. Tsouros: The energy distribution of electrons in radio jets
SESSION 4: Stars, Planets and the Interstellar Medium (Convenors: P. Reig and A. Zezas)
- E. Ntormousi (Invited): The formation and evolution of interstellar filaments
- K. Tassis: PASIPHAE: Clearing the path to inflationary B-modes through optopolarimetric magnetic tomography
- A. Tritsis: The Musca molecular cloud: An interstellar symphony
- G. Panopoulou: Molecular cloud filaments: do they really have a characteristic width?
- I. Leonidaki: Towards a complete optical atlas of Galactic Supernova Remnants
- M. Zapartas: The impact of stellar binarity on core-collapse supernovae
- V. Antoniou (Invited): The fast and the furious: the young accreting binary population of the Small Magellanic Cloud
- A. Strantzalis: Main Sequence Luminosity Functions in the central 1.5 degrees of the main body of the SMC
- G. Maravelias: Investigating the circumstellar structures of B[e] Supergiants
- M. Koutoulaki: VLTI/AMBER NIR interferometric observations of the Bracket gamma and high-n pfund emitting regions of the Herbig B[e] star HD50138
- A. Manousakis: Stellar Winds in Massive X-ray Binaries
- A. Filothodoros: Analysis and Classification of the Spectral States of Cyg X-1 based on INTEGRAL Data
- D. Hatzidimitriou: The Hubble Catalog of Variables
- Z. Spetsieri: Variability of massive stars in the Virgo Cluster galaxy NGC 4535 with the Hubble Space Telescope
- P. Kalas: Detecting dusty debris disks, exoplanets, and exoplanetary rings using the Gemini Planet Imager, HST and Antarctic observatories
- N. Georgakarakos: Long term evolution of planetary systems with a terrestrial planet and a giant planet
- A. Tsiaras: A population study of hot Jupiter atmospheres
- K. Karpouzas: A survey for non-transiting planets with Kepler
- A. Kokori: Developing a user-friendly photometric software for exoplanets to increase participation in Citizen Science
- O. Dionatos: Links between protostellar accretion and ejection observed with ALMA
- E. Christopoulou: V912 Per: A new twin low-mass binary with a third component
- A. Liakos: The new catalogue of delta Sct pulsators in binary systems
- G. Loukaidou: Evolution of low mass contact binaries close to the orbital period cut-off
- G. Kleftogiannis: The O' Connell effect